Maxwell Publishing Publishes New Book for Children

Maxwell Publishing just published "Jill Warrior of the Universe" by Carl Maxwell. "This is the first of a three book deal. If the first three go well then we may do more," Carl said today.

Fort Smith, AR, January 19, 2010 --( Maxwell Publishing released their newest book by Carl Maxwell "Jill Warrior of the universe.” Maxwell publishing has also published "My life as a truck driver the first two years" by Carl Maxwell.

The president of Maxwell Publishing is excited about the new book. After reading the book he sent copies out to be evaluated, this brought instant sales.

The author of the book Carl Maxwell said that “he wanted to write between three and ten books with Jill. She is a very lovable character and I don’t want her to be killed off soon.”

Maxwell publishing is working on book signings and other promotions. The week before Christmas the author Carl Maxwell played Santa Clause in Fort Smith AR where he handed out advanced copies of his book to children.

“Maxwell Publishing is working hard to get their books on all the online book stores,” the president Carl Maxwell said. “We are working on getting the book in to physical stores.” The president of Maxwell Publishing said today.

Maxwell Publishing is a small press dedicated to publishing one to two titles a year. They are going all out to get the newest book in the hands of the reader.

Carl Maxwell said today, “Maxwell publishing is dedicated in bringing out the child in you. Maxwell Publishing not only produces hard copy books but also produces e-books for kindle.”

Maxwell Publishing
Carl Maxwell
479 285 6331