Internet Video Performances Needed for New Web site - Performers Make Money
If you're all over the Web, youtube, myspace then upload your performance at my performance you be the / This is the site where you can earn money from Internet Web Judgments (wedji) why read your comments when you see and get paid for it.
Las Vegas, NV, October 21, 2006 --( THORCO Enterprises, LLC announces the release of My Performance You Be The Judge, where Performers make money. is an all video performance website (Singing, Comedy, Modeling, Acting, Dance, Commercials, etc.) using Direct Media Player. The site allows viewers to give a 30 second Intenet Web cam/video Judgment (WEDJI) of any video performance or performer, the performer receives WEDJI's which are viewable by all site users at Performers Block Space.
The site also boast a “Dream Video” where performers upload their passions or hardships, the dream vid is intended to sway judgments. The Performer’s Block Space serves as a place to store and view other video performances and life activities. has also created a graphical Stage page for viewing and judging performances based on a rating platform of tallied votes, for those unwilling to judge or WEDJI the site also offers Skip video.
General workings: When a video is uploaded to it is tagged for random play and ready for judgments. In order for the performances to stay on the Random Play Stage indefinately, video must obtain enough votes or WEDJI's in a given 30 day period (starts at 1 vote). If videos do not reach staying power it will be automatically removed from the Random Play Stage, the video will be un-tagged but active in the performers’ Block Space. A Block is referenced for two minutes with virtually unlimited block purchases. To give a WEDJI, the viewer must upload 1 or more to as many performers or performances to any active Country. Performers who receive WEDJI's are paid the highest percentage from WEDJI revenues. mypubtj is a Pay pal secure site. / / is a Subsidiary of THORCO Enterprises, LLC.
Troy Olsen, CEO
THORCO Enterprises, LLC
email: or (702) 284-5113
### where Performers make money. is an all video performance website (Singing, Comedy, Modeling, Acting, Dance, Commercials, etc.) using Direct Media Player. The site allows viewers to give a 30 second Intenet Web cam/video Judgment (WEDJI) of any video performance or performer, the performer receives WEDJI's which are viewable by all site users at Performers Block Space.
The site also boast a “Dream Video” where performers upload their passions or hardships, the dream vid is intended to sway judgments. The Performer’s Block Space serves as a place to store and view other video performances and life activities. has also created a graphical Stage page for viewing and judging performances based on a rating platform of tallied votes, for those unwilling to judge or WEDJI the site also offers Skip video.
General workings: When a video is uploaded to it is tagged for random play and ready for judgments. In order for the performances to stay on the Random Play Stage indefinately, video must obtain enough votes or WEDJI's in a given 30 day period (starts at 1 vote). If videos do not reach staying power it will be automatically removed from the Random Play Stage, the video will be un-tagged but active in the performers’ Block Space. A Block is referenced for two minutes with virtually unlimited block purchases. To give a WEDJI, the viewer must upload 1 or more to as many performers or performances to any active Country. Performers who receive WEDJI's are paid the highest percentage from WEDJI revenues. mypubtj is a Pay pal secure site. / / is a Subsidiary of THORCO Enterprises, LLC.
Troy Olsen, CEO
THORCO Enterprises, LLC
email: or (702) 284-5113
Troy T. Olsen
Troy T. Olsen
