Paulo Coelho Poses Challenge and Responds

Paulo Coelho Poses Challenge and Responds
New York, NY, January 21, 2010 --( Paulo Coelho, international best-selling author and best known for his book "The Alchemist," has become internationally famous after a pilgrimage, during which he found his sword, which changed his life.

Pondering over the decade about to come to an end in December 2009, he asked himself to what extent virtual reality has replaced the taste for adventure. As a result, he is posing the Paulo Coelho Challenge, asking for 12 locations hidden in 12 riddles, where the seeker has to travel to, take photos and solve additional tasks. The one who arrives at the sword and has all demanded photos and all tasks solved, will receive a magical sword that Paulo Coelho has hidden. The time frame for it is until December 2010. The first of "Warrior of the Light" (another Paulo Coelho title) has already set out on his quest this past Saturday and is publicly reporting about his journey to find Paulo Coelho's sword in his blog at and live via twitter @santiagosdream.

What sounds like a modern fairy tale, is a real challenge and adventure for the seeker, who, as he says "leaves everything behind to find the sword and accept this challenge."

Thousands in only a couple of days have already visited and left many encouraging comments there and via Only time will tell, if he can solve all tasks and arrive first.

During these days, where disaster just struck in Haiti and the constant news about recession and catastrophes lets many focus on topics like saving money or being careful, it's a refreshing piece of news, an enlightening step of courage.

Encouraging for people from all over the world, to see that the magic of the ancient days is still alive and dreams do come true - if one just pursues them Santiago, the shepherd of Coelho's "The Alchemist," who conquered his fears and pursued his dream.

For more information see or join in on twitter @santiagosdream

Paulo Coelho, who has turned 60 in 2007, has most recently published "The Winner Stands Alone", "The Witch of Portobello" and "The Zahir." His most successful book, however, was "The Alchemist" (1988).

In 2008, the journalist Fernando Morais published Paulo Coelho's official biography "The Wizard."

Santiago's Dream
Santiago Solomon