Dragon Attacks Village! Is the King’s Mother Responsible? Author Theresa Gage Writes a Fantasy Page-Turner for Young Readers

World of Secrets, a new children’s book by Theresa Gage, tells the story of a wizard who takes advantage of a woman’s vulnerability, changing her into a dragon. He plots, schemes, causes a war and uses a group of trolls in his greedy efforts for treasure.

Seattle, WA, October 23, 2006 --(PR.com)-- Author Theresa Gage spins a magical tale for young readers in her first book A World of Secrets.

“Any child who loves adventure, humor, and fantasy will enjoy this story. Many kinds of characters participate in the tale: unicorns, dragons, trolls, and a mischievous goblin,” Gage says.

The story begins with the king trying to keep the peace between his subjects and his own family members. His mother, Joaquilyn, is losing her mind, while having to cope with the death of her best friend.

A wizard takes advantage of Joaquilyn’s fragil state, turning her into a raging dragon. In a frenzy , she sets the village and fields on fire.

In the meantime, the wizard has led the trolls to believe that he has given them a protector. He plots and schemes, causing a war, and uses the trolls to lay hold of the dragons’ treasure.

Joaquilyn no longer recognizes her family, and is easily led into his scheme. However, Joaquilyn’s family has powerful allies. Between them, they plan to reverse the spell and end the war. The villagers stand behind their king in his fight.

The kings also has nature on his side: A lunar eclipse occurs, and the wizard gets lost in the darkness. With these obstacles in his path, will the wizard reach his devious goal?

World of Secrets includes full-color illustrations by Linda Santell. It is published by Outskirts Press, Inc.

Author Contact: 
Theresa Gage 
1623 37th Way SE Auburn, Wa. 98002 

Book Statistics:
ISBN: 1-59800-509-X
Retail Price(s): 17.95
Size and Format(s): 8.5x8.5
Page Count: 64
Availability: Ingram, Baker & Taylor, Amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, www.outskirtspress.com/worldofsecrets

Outskirts Press, Inc.
Jeanine Sampson
888.672.6657 ext. 704