“9 Out of 10 Websites Could Generate Far More Business” Claims Alberta Based Website Design Company Industrial NetMedia

An informative interview with website design expert Mike Kuefler. The CEO of Alberta based Industrial NetMedia, weighs in on the common mistakes business owners make when designing their website.

Leduc, Canada, January 24, 2010 --(PR.com)-- The year 2009 saw a decrease in marketing spending by many businesses, including a number of notable multi-nationals. “I think all businesses are struggling to get the most out of their marketing budgets right now” explains Mike Kuefler, CEO of Alberta based website design firm Industrial NetMedia (www.inmca.com).

“What we are seeing today is a real emphasis on conversion rates, turning a healthy percentage of prospects into customers. Unfortunately, most websites aren’t properly designed to do that.”

“A well designed website is the key to success” claims Mike, “More customers are searching online for products and services than ever before. Our success as a website design company is based on creating websites that generate new customers. We start with the end goal – what do you want your customer to do? Then, we work backwards, and gear every aspect of the website to gently guide consumers towards that goal.”

Today, the overwhelming majority of businesses have a website. A website has become almost a prerequisite to operate a business in most industries. “The problem today, is businesses are rushing to get online without really thinking through an online strategy” explains Mike, “9 out of 10 websites I review could generate far more new business than they do, and in many cases a few minor changes would do the trick.”

Mike offers the following tips to give your businesses website a healthy jumpstart:

1. Focus on Benefits

“Websites often start out with a long-winded history of the company, and the benefits the customer receives are buried somewhere down the page” explains Mike, “Bring those benefits right up to the top of the page.”

2. Have a Clearly Defined Goal

“When designing your website you have to create clear paths for your customers to follow, and at the end of each path is your end goal”, says Mike, “Some of your customers will follow path A, others path B or C, but all of those paths should lead towards a goal that converts the reader into a new customer.”

3. Monitor Your Website’s Traffic

“Many business owners have no idea how many people are visiting their websites, how they find it, or what they click on once they arrive. One of the first things we do is setup a tracking program so we can see how a website is doing. This helps us discover where the traffic is coming from. It allows us to reinforce the methods that are working, and eliminate those that aren’t working”

4. Focus on “You” instead of “We”

“Big businesses are the worst offenders here. They are so focused on their past accomplishments they forget what is really important to the consumer – them. Our copywriters focus on explaining how the product or service benefits the reader. This style of writing significantly increases the number of sales a website generates.”

As consumers continue to become more comfortable using and making purchases on the Internet, the value of having an efficient website design which turns visitors into customers will continue to rise. Experts in the field of website design recommend revisiting your website on a regular basis to ensure it is generating a steady stream of new clients.

Mike Kuefler is the CEO of Industrial NetMedia, an Alberta based Marketing and Website Design Company that helps businesses throughout Canada and the United States improve their presence on the Internet. For more information about Industrial NetMedia call 780-739-5850, or visit www.inmca.com.

Industrial NetMedia
Mike Kuefler