Summit Series for Families Offers New Twist on the Traditional Book Club

Organizers of Summit Series for Families 2009 announce plans to expand program in 2010.

Atlanta, GA, January 25, 2010 --( Summit Series 2010 offers parents, educators and authors more opportunities to connect with each other around issues that affect today’s families. Building on the success of the first eight-week series in the Fall of 2009, Summit Series for Families will continue to open the phone lines to authors, parents and educators interested in child development, family dynamics and educational issues.

Authors who have participated in the past include Lenore Skenazy, a syndicated columnist and mother who wrote “Free Range Kids: Giving Our kids the Freedom We Enjoyed without Going Nuts with Worry”, “So Sexy So Soon” author Dr. Diane E. Levin, and Peg Tyre, prize-winning investigative reporter and author of the controversial and widely praised book “The Trouble with Boys: A Surprising Report Card on Our Sons, Their Schools and What Parents and Educators Must Do”.

Organizers of Summit Series 2010 want to expand the format to include live discussions between parents and author/experts in the form of panel discussions. Parenting Groups are invited to join the online community for free and will be notified of upcoming topics. Members from these parenting groups will be selected to participate, live, in a recorded discussion with authors/experts on topics that apply to their own families.

“We had a lot of success last year allowing participants to submit their questions in advance as well as call in live to the sessions with each author. With each session lasting a full hour, we were able to cover a lot of questions and really discuss the books in detail. This year we want to continue that approach but also incorporate live panel discussions with members of our audience who can add different perspectives to our discussions,” says Julia Kennedy, founder of

Membership to the site remains free and recordings of the calls will be available to registered members after the live call.


Julia Kennedy

Summit Series For Families
Julia Kennedy