Expert Analysis Meets Vigorous Debate
San Diego, CA, October 23, 2006 --( Most debate and political commentary websites seem to have an agenda or are plainly slanted. These sites make it nearly impossible to debate the most important issues such as U.S. policy in the Middle East and the morality of stem cell research. So what would happen if you were to put leading contributors to these debates (authors, scholars, pundits) across the table from the general public? In the case of, a civilized and balanced debate.
January marked the launch of a San Diego publishing company focused on bringing the most important topics in today’s world to the table for discussion. J.R. Kidd Publishing is establishing a public forum where leading experts in subjects usually left off the table can come together with the public for exciting and informative debates. will be a series of forums where different, and heated, subjects will be up for debate.
The initial topics will be launched as articles by contributing authors and debated both for and against by other experts in the field before being opened to the public for general debate. The site will be carefully moderated to prevent any inappropriate conduct among users of the forums. Each month, new contributors will be featured, new topics will be posted and the public will be invited to participate in the purest form of democracy. Beginning in January 2007, the site will feature discussions ranging from contentious topics of politics and religion to altogether controversial subjects like abortion, immigration and stem cell research. The goal is to “improve public discourse and create a respected source of balanced information” on the web, says founder and publisher James Kidd.
Kidd has been working on the concept of since the launch of J.R. Kidd Publishing in January 2006 as his pilot site, though there are plans of similar publications to follow. When asked exactly why he would launch such an obviously disputatious website he replied, “Because there is nothing else like it. Some sites offer expert analysis and commentary, but they have an agenda. Others feature debate and discussion, but the authors lack expertise. combines expert analysis with vigorous debate between the contributing experts and the general public; it is a completely new concept.”
J.R. Kidd Publishing was founded in January of this year by James Kidd—he has been working on this concept since. He has worked in the publishing industry for several years. Recently he has acted as Assistant Editor of This Rock magazine.
January marked the launch of a San Diego publishing company focused on bringing the most important topics in today’s world to the table for discussion. J.R. Kidd Publishing is establishing a public forum where leading experts in subjects usually left off the table can come together with the public for exciting and informative debates. will be a series of forums where different, and heated, subjects will be up for debate.
The initial topics will be launched as articles by contributing authors and debated both for and against by other experts in the field before being opened to the public for general debate. The site will be carefully moderated to prevent any inappropriate conduct among users of the forums. Each month, new contributors will be featured, new topics will be posted and the public will be invited to participate in the purest form of democracy. Beginning in January 2007, the site will feature discussions ranging from contentious topics of politics and religion to altogether controversial subjects like abortion, immigration and stem cell research. The goal is to “improve public discourse and create a respected source of balanced information” on the web, says founder and publisher James Kidd.
Kidd has been working on the concept of since the launch of J.R. Kidd Publishing in January 2006 as his pilot site, though there are plans of similar publications to follow. When asked exactly why he would launch such an obviously disputatious website he replied, “Because there is nothing else like it. Some sites offer expert analysis and commentary, but they have an agenda. Others feature debate and discussion, but the authors lack expertise. combines expert analysis with vigorous debate between the contributing experts and the general public; it is a completely new concept.”
J.R. Kidd Publishing was founded in January of this year by James Kidd—he has been working on this concept since. He has worked in the publishing industry for several years. Recently he has acted as Assistant Editor of This Rock magazine.
JR Kidd Publishing
James Kidd
Tel: 619.251.4382
FAX: 619.460.0090
James Kidd
Tel: 619.251.4382
FAX: 619.460.0090
