Teaming Up to be Successful in the Home Based Business Industry

Michael Vadnais teams up with the Universal Dream Team in the Home Based Business Industry.

Ottawa, Canada, October 24, 2006 --( The internet highway is now proving to be the fastest growing modes for Home Based Businesses and people all over the world are coming to the realization that this once “unchartered” territory is producing some of the wealthiest business people our time has ever seen. According to the Nielson/Net Ratings Group, the amount of Internet users from 2000 to 2005 has increased a whopping 110.3%. (A huge market to appeal to for Home Business Entrepreneurs). Who are these Entrepreneurs? They are real, everyday people except for a few differences. They laugh at the skeptics and believe the only way to create change in your life is to just do it! They are unlike the “9-5 Joe” who struggles with commutes, deadlines, timed breaks and making the boss a rich and happy man. They are the boss and the only commute they have is to their office in the comforts of their own home. They have time with their families.

A success story of that case in point is Michael Vadnais, a member of the Universal Dream Team. Michael has always had that entrepreneurial spirit as he started his business career as a grain and oilseed farmer and he later took that same spirit and started a business of long haul trucking. It was not long ago that Michael Vadnais discovered that the internet world was a place for unlimited possibilities and unlimited wealth. Although Michael had different setbacks his goals and aspirations towards having a “better life” have very much stayed the same. Michael is moving ahead in his personal endeavors and having wonderful experiences working in this evolution of the internet market place. With the same spirit Michael had in his previous adventures and with his due diligence has teamed up with professionals in the Home Based Business Industry and is watching his businesses and investments grow.

Michael has teamed up with the Universal Dream Team to develop his marketing skills and promote his business; The uniqueness of is that you are never alone and much of the “guess work” is removed. The Home Based Business Industry appeals to all walks of life…globally! There are no restrictions. Single parents, college students, educated, non-educated, affluent or not. Michael feels that The Predator Marketing System in connection with the Universal Dream Team is a winning combination. Nobody wants to be in front of a computer or on the phone 8-10 hours per day. People go into Home Based Businesses not just to make massive incomes, but also to generate more time….freedom. What ever the reason may be, Entrepreneurs and “want-to-bees” will find the sites informative and exciting.

Also included in these sites are “Forums” and “Contact Forms” so that individuals can seek further guidance on how to get started in process of changing their lives. “There is no greater feeling than knowing you have made a positive impact on someone’s life”, says Michael. If you would like further information on how you can become a successful Home Based Entrepreneur and Universal Dream Team member you can contact Michael at 613-822-7512.

Michael Vadnais