A ‘SEAL’ of Support: Sales of Shirts Will Help Navy SEALS Accused of Assault

San Diego, CA, February 05, 2010 --(PR.com)-- It’s a story that has captivated the nation and stirred intense debate. In September of 2009, Navy SEALS captured Ahmed Hashim Abed, an Iraqi terrorist allegedly responsible for the murder of four American contractors in Iraq. According to the charges, in 2004 Abed masterminded a successful plot to ambush American security agents. The burned remains of the bodies were hung from a bridge in Fallujah to allow the world press to photograph and publicize.

Following the capture, charges were brought against three of the SEALS by Abed, who claims he was punched in the stomach and received a bloody lip after being taken into custody. Three Navy SEALS—Matthew McCabe, Julio Antonio Huertas Jr. and Jonathan Elliott Keefe—are charged with failing to protect the detainee and making false statements to investigators.

The incident has generated a national outcry in support of the SEALS. Blogs, commentaries and editorials have been written and entire web sites have been posted to inform and educate the public. There are letter-writing campaigns to local elected officials and petitions urging Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to intervene and dismiss the charges. A nonprofit organization, the Warrior Defense Fund Fund (www.FreetheSeals.com), has been formed to raise money for the men’s defense costs.

To help in the fundraising efforts, two t-shirts have been created by www.USNavySEALs.com and sold at www.USNavySEALstore.com. Those wearing the shirts will show their personal support, and $10 from the sale of each shirt will be donated to the Warrior Defense Fund.

The two t-shirts are:

Condemn the Terrorists, Not Our Heroes!

Support Our Navy SEALS (http://www.usnavysealstore.com/products.asp?product=7698)

About USNavySEALs
USNavySEALStore was founded in 2002 to offer a wide variety of Navy SEAL merchandise, including T-shirts, sweatshirts, workout, fitness and training books and DVDs, patches, pins and much more. More information on the products, services and promotions of USNavySEALStore.com can be found at http://www.usnavysealstore.com. USNavySEALs is not associated with, endorsed by or sponsored by U.S. Navy SEALs.

Jennifer Douglas
5663 Balboa Ave #430
San Diego, CA 92111

Jennifer Douglas