Takes Social Networking Dynamic is a social network which lets people to communicate thoughts about random people they see in everyday life and ensures that the people being talked about can read these thoughts. allows people to read what strangers think of them.

Los Angeles, CA, February 06, 2010 --( “Imagine walking around a public place such as a mall or theater getting live updates on your cell phone about your looks, your smile etc., from people who walk by you. That is the future of social networking”, says the founder of, Samson Manickaraj. Posting a 'blauk' could soon become a part of your lifestyle if you are someone who has an opinion about strangers you see in everyday life. A Los Angeles based entrepreneur has taken the present day craze into social networking and microblogging to a new level with is a microblogging website which allows users to post thoughts and opinions about strangers they see in every day life, the key part being that, the ‘stranger’ will actually be reading the message, if that is a person who wants to know what people think of him or her. Posting a blauk is limited to 100 characters as a message for the stranger. However, the people posting a blauk would be required to post a 64 character physical description of the ‘stranger’, along with another 64 characters to mention the place where they were seen, and the time of incident.

When a person wants to comment on someone’s looks or their bad behavior in public, they can post a blauk on “Having an opinion on others is a basic human instinct” says, Samson Manickaraj. “Yet, in real life, it may not be easy to voice it out directly to the person. provides the option where people can post a message to a real-life stranger”. The concept comes with the idea of allowing freedom to express opinion about and to the ‘stranger’ without compromising privacy.

Strangers encountered at the shopping mall, the beach, on the elevator, or anywhere else can amuse, irritate, inspire, draw admiration, and evoke a myriad other emotions. But, these people will quickly fade away from our memories. “Through, you can attempt to make these strangers more than a faded memory. Or, at the least, you can express your feelings about them. Since the person reading your blauk will not know anything more than your username, there are no privacy issues here.”

“While actual social networking happens each time we step out of home into malls, theaters or business offices where we see a number of people we like, popular social networking sites focus primarily on helping people stay in touch with existing friends and associates. With, we have created a fusion between reality and the virtual world where people who are strangers in real-life can express their views about each other”. Samson Manickaraj, who has a Masters degree in Computer Science from San Diego, said, “Vice-versa, the idea of reading feedback from strangers about our looks or hairstyle is appealing for most of us and hence will be a very essential tool for the individual because it lets you read what the world thinks of you. This interaction also provides social-networking a more dynamic feel.”

With the tagline ‘I saw you there, and I thought…’ the concept stretches the idea of Social Networking to the maximum possible and hence there is always the issue of abuse. “We keep a strict tab on the entries. We do not tolerate abuse or spamming. The abusing users ID is deactivated immediately, which is probably the reason why 68% of our registered user ids so far are women” said the CEO of, who is confident that will surely capture a chunk of the social-networking market.

Samson Manickaraj