HaraBara™ Wins Coveted Slot to Present at SIIA Summit 2010; Recognition of Successful Launch of Sustainability Resource Database in the US

San Francisco, CA, February 10, 2010 --(PR.com)-- HaraBara, Inc. was one of nine companies in the digital content industry that have been selected by the Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA) to present their products and services at the recent SIIA Information Industry Summit in New York, January 26-­‐27. All of the firms selected are early-­‐stage businesses that offer content or content technology products and are poised for growth. More than 50 companies applied to be allowed to present to senior business leaders representing publishers, content technology companies, bankers, analysts, bloggers and press.

“This year’s line-­up of Previews firms demonstrated all of the qualities that point toward success, including ingenuity and resonance within the content and technology industries,” noted Ed Keating, Vice President of SIIA’s Content Division.

"We were honored to present to industry executives and informed them about HaraBara's progress in helping companies make smarter green decisions," says Erik Mikisch, CEO, HaraBara and adds, "our recent customer wins as well as our win in the SIIA competition recognize our successful launch in the US market."

About HaraBara

HaraBara™ is the information gateway for companies that are turning green challenges into business opportunities. The company was founded in 2008 and has its headquartered in San Francisco with a wholly owned subsidiary in Mumbai, India. HaraBara is building HaraBara GreenBase™, an essential information resource for businesses that offers comprehensive, in-depth access to actionable information related to green, sustainable, environmentally oriented products, company actions, technology, research, engineering and government developments. HaraBara Daily Brief™ delivers a subset of GreenBase data and is received daily by many leading companies.

About SIIA

The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) is the principal trade association for the software and digital content industry. SIIA provides global services in government relations, business development, corporate education and intellectual property protection for more than 500 leading software and information companies. For further information, visit www.siia.net

About the SIIA Content Division

SIIA's Content Division provides a forum for companies that publish and distribute online content, or offer technologies and services that facilitate the licensing, presentation, and distribution of digital information products. The division works with its members to develop effective approaches to emerging issues and to produce deliverables of special interest to the membership. For more information, visit, www.siia.net/content.

HaraBara, Inc.
Erik Mikisch