Vidli Launches in Public Alpha at Vator Splash

Vidli launched the alpha version of its website today at the inaugural Vator Splash event in San Francisco.

San Francisco, CA, February 04, 2010 --( Vidli, a stealth startup, revealed its open video licensing product that helps people buy, sell and rent videos online. Attendees of the event received a first look at Vidli. The Public Alpha Launch includes access to the front end of the website and the business model behind Vidli. Access to the back end of the website is on schedule for the Public Beta Launch and is by invitation only.

The Vator Splash Event showcases up and coming, early stage startup companies. Vidli's co-founders selected the Vator Splash event as the appropriate venue to publicly announce the launch. Over 170 companies entered the competition and more than 3,000 individual votes were submitted. Vidli received more votes than all other companies, nearly doubling the votes of the next closest competitor. Vidli earned the opportunity to give the final three-minute presentation on stage in front of over 300 business professionals, comprised of executives from startups and large companies, investors and media. Guests included two leading Silicon Valley CEOs, Mark Pincus of Zynga, Jeff Smith of Smule, blogger Robert Scoble and Silicon Valley venture capital firms August Capital, Google Ventures and Greycroft Ventures.

"Vator has shown us great support as a launch platform to seek out the resources we're after to make Vidli not just a success, but a major player in a virgin industry just waiting to be tapped," said Vidli co-founder and CEO, Nathaniel Brown. "People are hacking together makeshift store fronts to sell their video and we are eager to enlist our years of experience in online video to become the provider of choice of a much needed service to the video distribution industry."

Vidli's launch comes on the heals of Youtube's attempt to enter the online video rental business. Rumors circulate Hulu will launch a subscription model this year. Sean Murphy, Vidli co-founder said, “Their [Youtube and Hulu] efforts to shift their models are strong validation of our business strategy. They've conditioned their users to free video consumption. Vidli is poised to capitalize on the opportunities of an open video licensing model.”

About Vidli:
Vidli is the official video licensor. The company helps people buy, sell and rent videos online. It's avatar is the world's most lovable bird, the Blue-footed Booby. It's headquartered in Denver, CO.

Vator is a leading platform for innovators to broadcast and communicate with the market. has more than 30,000 members and high-tech companies, using the service to effectively communicate with their partners, investors, media and customers. VatorNews is a video business network on entrepreneurship and innovation with more than 200-plus contributors.


Sean Murphy
Sean Murphy