HaraBara™ Smarter Green Decisions™ Tool Compares a Firm's Sustainability Profile to Those of Competitors

Analysis of how a firm's sustainability efforts, and those of competitors, are seen on the internet reveals problems and competitive opportunities for clients to repair or exploit.

San Francisco, CA, February 11, 2010 --(PR.com)-- HaraBara, Inc. has launched a new resource for companies to compare and assess the public perception of their sustainability and green activities, the HaraBara Competitive Assessment™. This proprietary analysis gives companies a way to track public information and comment related to their sustainability efforts and environmental impacts, and those of their competitors, for "smarter green decisions™".

The assessment uniquely combines "official" company information and the reactions of other organizations, the media and individuals on the internet to characterize a company's current "public sustainability persona™".

"Our inaugural customer, Diageo plc, said the competitive assessment we did for them exceeded their expectations and will help inform their marketing and PR efforts for 2010," said David Wheat, Co-Founder of HaraBara. "They also felt that our monitoring capabilities would be valuable going forward to measure the impact of their external communications and sustainability-related efforts."

Erik Mikisch, HaraBara's CEO, said, "We provide companies with a reality check by showing how their carefully crafted messages are reflected in the real world." By comparing competitors, or benchmarking against other firms, we can identify specific weaknesses in message and underlying effort and provide our customers with significant competitive advantage that can typically be exploited very quickly."

The continuous monitoring of the public sustainability persona allows companies to measure the success of communicating sustainability efforts to stakeholders. It can also serve as an early warning system for spotting developing issues, trends, or adverse perception changes.

The information used to build each company's public sustainability persona is obtained through news items, blog posts, social media, press releases, and other sources, and from corporate, government, and NGO web sites. Typically, the externally generated information is outside of each company’s control and often unsolicited. Therefore, each informational item includes a proprietary assessment of source reliability as well as a positive, neutral, or negative sentiment score.

The HaraBara Competitive Assessment adds cost-effective useful information to existing competitive and market intelligence tools, for smarter green decisions. Additional details can be found at http://harabara.com/index.php/about-harabara/products/45-products/428-competitive-assessment.html

About HaraBara
HaraBara™ is the information gateway for companies that are turning green challenges into business opportunities. The company was founded in 2008 and has its headquarters in San Francisco, and a wholly owned subsidiary in Mumbai, India.

HaraBara is building HaraBara GreenBase™, an essential information resource for businesses that offers comprehensive, in-depth access to actionable information related to green, sustainable, environmentally oriented products, company actions, technology, research, engineering and government developments. HaraBara Daily Brief™ delivers a subset of GreenBase data and is received daily by many leading firms.

HaraBara, Inc.
Erik Mikisch