Book Two on the Horizon for Mz. Robinson

Huntsville, AL, February 14, 2010 --( Huntsville resident and author, Mz. Robinson has signed her second contract with GSH Publishing. Book two titled: Married To His Lies is scheduled to be released Spring 2010. In her second novel, Mz. Robinson takes readers into a twisted and breathtaking journey of the life and struggles of Shontay Holloway, a woman perplexed by her husband's cheating and lies. Married To His Lies is a literary spin off from Mz. Robinson's debut novel: What We Won't Do For Love.

What We Won't Do For Love which was originally released last fall, is the first in a four book series. Mz. Robinson is currently working on her third book and other projects. What We Won't Do For Love is available by visiting

Mz. Robinson
Leslie Caudle
GSH Publishing