RCMP and W. Vancouver Police Use iWitness for Quick Clearance During the 2010 Winter Olympic Games
Image-based 3D measurement technology improves traffic flow during the 2010 Winter Olympic Games.
Bellevue, WA, February 13, 2010 --(PR.com)-- DeChant Consulting Services (DCS), provider of the versatile close-range photogrammetry system iWitness™, has announced the decision by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the West Vancouver Police to adopt iWitness as an important component of their standard operating procedure for accident reconstruction and scene documentation. Both police departments anticipate faster clearance response times when using the iWitness photogrammetry technology during the 2010 Winter Olympic Games.
RCMP purchased iWitness for use throughout British Columbia. Twenty RCMP crash investigators, as well as police from Vancouver and West Vancouver Police Departments were trained at the RCMP - Pacific Region Training Center in Chilliwack, BC by DCS in August of 2009.
iWitness facilitates much faster accident scene recording and is expected to both significantly reduce road closure times for accident events and lessen the likelihood of secondary accidents.
Based on the success achieved by US state and local police agencies using iWitness, Canadian police expect on-scene documentation time to be reduced by at least 50% as compared to traditional measurement methods.
The RCMP contract was awarded to DCS and included the iWitness photogrammetric software and training of the iWitness software as a complete turnkey system.
With the iWitness technology, recording of a traffic accident requires only a consumer-grade digital camera and optional photogrammetric target devices. After the very rapid image recording is completed at the accident scene, the 3D measurement phase is undertaken back at the office. This enables traffic disruption to be kept to a minimum and enhances safety for police and emergency services personnel, as well as motorists held up by the accident.
The iWitness process commences with police officers taking multiple images at the crash scene from different camera angles. These images are then processed within iWitness on a desktop or notebook PC to generate the 3D measurements of important features to support a dimensional reconstruction of the accident. This semi-automated process results in measurement accuracies that are generally around 1 inch over scene sizes of 100 yards or more. The robustness, reliability and accuracy of the photogrammetric measurement technology are an important factor for both accident analysis and any subsequent legal proceedings.
Canadian police join a growing list of US state police/patrols, county sheriff offices and local police departments around the country that routinely use iWitness. RCMP, W. Vancouver and Vancouver police follow the lead of highway patrols from statewide operations in Florida, Indiana, Minnesota, and New Hampshire, adopting iWitness as their primary measurement tool for 3D documentation of evidence and accident scene mapping.
Traffic Sergeant Tim Kravjanski of the West Vancouver Police Department was interviewed on iWitness and replied: “I’ve measured crash and crime scenes using tapes, total stations and now photogrammetry. I can say without a doubt that photogrammetry gathers the measurements and evidence faster than any other technique I've used in the last 15 years and the accuracy is amazing.”
Lee DeChant, President of DeChant Consulting Services, has implemented close-range photogrammetry systems across North America and believes iWitness is the optimal image-based mapping technology for accident reconstruction, based on its low-cost, robust online data processing and its simple operation. DeChant Consulting Services has assisted numerous state and local police departments to implement photogrammetry technology, as it becomes a standard for police accident documentation and forensic measurement.
About DeChant Consulting Services – DCS Inc
DeChant Consulting Services is the North American distributor of iWitness and offers turnkey photogrammetry solutions to a range of customers, including police and transportation agencies, accident reconstruction practitioners, industrial engineering firms and universities. DeChant Consulting Services is headquartered in Bellevue, WA.
More information about DeChant Consulting Services can be found at www.iwitnessphoto.com
Press contact:
Lee DeChant
DeChant Consulting Services - DCS Inc.
PO Box 3261
Bellevue, WA 98009-3261
Phone (425) 637-1865
RCMP purchased iWitness for use throughout British Columbia. Twenty RCMP crash investigators, as well as police from Vancouver and West Vancouver Police Departments were trained at the RCMP - Pacific Region Training Center in Chilliwack, BC by DCS in August of 2009.
iWitness facilitates much faster accident scene recording and is expected to both significantly reduce road closure times for accident events and lessen the likelihood of secondary accidents.
Based on the success achieved by US state and local police agencies using iWitness, Canadian police expect on-scene documentation time to be reduced by at least 50% as compared to traditional measurement methods.
The RCMP contract was awarded to DCS and included the iWitness photogrammetric software and training of the iWitness software as a complete turnkey system.
With the iWitness technology, recording of a traffic accident requires only a consumer-grade digital camera and optional photogrammetric target devices. After the very rapid image recording is completed at the accident scene, the 3D measurement phase is undertaken back at the office. This enables traffic disruption to be kept to a minimum and enhances safety for police and emergency services personnel, as well as motorists held up by the accident.
The iWitness process commences with police officers taking multiple images at the crash scene from different camera angles. These images are then processed within iWitness on a desktop or notebook PC to generate the 3D measurements of important features to support a dimensional reconstruction of the accident. This semi-automated process results in measurement accuracies that are generally around 1 inch over scene sizes of 100 yards or more. The robustness, reliability and accuracy of the photogrammetric measurement technology are an important factor for both accident analysis and any subsequent legal proceedings.
Canadian police join a growing list of US state police/patrols, county sheriff offices and local police departments around the country that routinely use iWitness. RCMP, W. Vancouver and Vancouver police follow the lead of highway patrols from statewide operations in Florida, Indiana, Minnesota, and New Hampshire, adopting iWitness as their primary measurement tool for 3D documentation of evidence and accident scene mapping.
Traffic Sergeant Tim Kravjanski of the West Vancouver Police Department was interviewed on iWitness and replied: “I’ve measured crash and crime scenes using tapes, total stations and now photogrammetry. I can say without a doubt that photogrammetry gathers the measurements and evidence faster than any other technique I've used in the last 15 years and the accuracy is amazing.”
Lee DeChant, President of DeChant Consulting Services, has implemented close-range photogrammetry systems across North America and believes iWitness is the optimal image-based mapping technology for accident reconstruction, based on its low-cost, robust online data processing and its simple operation. DeChant Consulting Services has assisted numerous state and local police departments to implement photogrammetry technology, as it becomes a standard for police accident documentation and forensic measurement.
About DeChant Consulting Services – DCS Inc
DeChant Consulting Services is the North American distributor of iWitness and offers turnkey photogrammetry solutions to a range of customers, including police and transportation agencies, accident reconstruction practitioners, industrial engineering firms and universities. DeChant Consulting Services is headquartered in Bellevue, WA.
More information about DeChant Consulting Services can be found at www.iwitnessphoto.com
Press contact:
Lee DeChant
DeChant Consulting Services - DCS Inc.
PO Box 3261
Bellevue, WA 98009-3261
Phone (425) 637-1865
DeChant Consulting Services - DCS Inc
Lee DeChant
Lee DeChant
