The Bonded Family Brings Blended Family Conference to Kansas City Feb 26th and 27th. Sessions Offer Winning Stepfamily Tips, Coaching and Encouragement.

Blended Family Marriage Conference in Kansas City, February 26th and 27th, designed to educate, motivate and encourage stepfamilies. It is estimated that in the KC metro area over 700,000 people directly live in, or are a part of, a step-family, often referred to as a ‘blended family’. The Bonded Family's Dan & Rebecca Snell, along with a host of national speakers, will speak on understanding the challenges and unique dynamics of stepfamily life. The event is at First Baptist Church, Raytown MO

Kansas City, MO, February 13, 2010 --( Kansas City will play host, February 26th and 27th to a special Blended Family Marriage Conference designed to educate, motivate and encourage stepfamilies. It is estimated that in the Kansas City metro area over 700,000 people are directly living in, or are part of a step-family, often referred to as a ‘blended family’. The challenges and unique dynamics in these relationships impact marriages and children in ways often unseen prior to the marriage. The event is being held at First Baptist Church in Raytown on 350 Highway.

Four foundational areas will be addressed during the Friday night to Saturday conference:

Marital Harmony vs. Discord: The blended family environment can be a powerful source of marital discord between the marriage partners. A major factor in a 70%+ stepfamily dissolution statistic is related to problems that arise with raising children in a blended environment. Teamwork is needed.

Acceptance, Acknowledgement & Authority: Acceptance, Acknowledgement and Authority in blended family situations can ‘bond’ the family when clearly understood. Understanding the complex dynamics, sensitivities, roles, emotions and boundaries upfront will lead to greater success in a blended family.

Parental Coaching for Success: The parents are to be the leaders. They can embrace the struggle and be the key to real victory for the family unit. The earlier one understands and can ‘see’ the struggles for what they really are, the sooner the success for the blended family. Numerous stories and examples are discussed.

Children of Divorce: Divorce and step-family scenarios often create wounds, competition, loyalty issues, and damaging conflict surrounding the family. The good news is by understanding upfront what a child ‘sees, hears and feels’ a child can also experience a special sense of belonging, joy and lasting bonds.

Featured speakers at the Blended Family Conference are Jim and Julie Ziglar Norman, J.J. Jasper, Dr. Dan Erickson, Patricia Plum and others. The Normans, themselves in a blended family, are nationally recognized as leaders in the area of motivation and leadership. Julie Ziglar Norman, youngest daughter of Zig Ziglar will speak both Friday and Saturday. J.J. Jasper is an American Family Radio morning DJ and Comedian is himself in a blended family. Dr. Dan Erickson, author of “God Loves Do-Over’s” and Patricia Plum, President of The Forgiveness Institute also will lend special insight.

Also speaking are the hosts Dan and Rebecca Snell, C-Founders of The Bonded Family, a faith-based organization founded in Kansas City. The Snell’s produce "Blended Family Today", weekly radio program, dedicated to blended family issues, topics and success coaching.

For more information go to: Registration is $69 per couple and includes a workbook. Special programs for Small Groups and Grandparents. For more information or call 816-200-BOND (2663)

The Bonded Family
Dan Snell
816-200-BOND (2663)