Two Dozen Christian Authors on Tour with TAKE ACTION! Publishing: Dare 2 Be

Announcement from TAKE ACTION! Publishing regarding the launch of the 2010 Trustworthy and True: Christian Authors on Tour (CAOT), a national tour of Christian authors on fire for God and committed to using writing as a tool for Christian ministry.

Atlanta, GA, February 15, 2010 --( What do Sandra Thompson Williams of Missouri, K.M. Johnson of Texas, A'ndrea Wilson of Georgia, Maxine Bigby Cunningham of Maryland, Darnyelle A. Jervey of Delaware, Carmen Calhoun of the District of Columbia, and Antonio Clinkscales of Virginia have in common? All are Christian authors participating in the 2010 Trustworthy and True: Christian Authors on Tour (CAOT) sponsored by TAKE ACTION! Publishing.

The 2010 Trustworthy and True: Christian Authors on Tour (CAOT) is an 11-month book tour consisting of over two dozen Christian fiction and non-fiction authors committed to using writing as a tool for Christian ministry. CAOT’s 2010 theme - Dare 2 Be - is based on the lyrics of a song by Carmen Calhoun, a Christian artist and participating author on the 2010 Tour. CAOT’s foundation scripture - Revelation 21:5 - hails from the greatest book of all times, The Holy Bible.

What makes CAOT unique? One look at the Christian books and authors on showcase on the 2010 Tour sheds light on that question. “CAOT is unique in that it brings together authors from diverse backgrounds with very different stories, testimonies and experiences,” said Lynn Pinder, 2010 Tour Coordinator and owner of TAKE ACTION! Publishing.

CAOT’s website ( provides a glimpse of the common bond that connects these authors: all are on fire for God and committed to using their writing as tools for healing and Christian ministry. Whether it is through fiction books written by authors like Sherryle Kiser Jackson and Melody Ravert or non-fiction books written by authors like Dwayne Clemmons and Jewel Williams, participating authors on the 2010 Tour use their books to spread the healing message of love through salvation in Jesus Christ.

February 6, 2010 marked the launch of the 2010 Trustworthy and True: Christian Authors on Tour (CAOT) in Georgia at the 3rd Annual Savannah Book Festival. Kick-off events for the 2010 Tour will continue on February 27th in Baltimore, MD with the "Living Victoriously as a Single Mom" workshop hosted by Joy Turner, a participating author on the 2010 Tour.

On March 25th, the 2010 Trustworthy and True: Christian Authors on Tour (CAOT) will make a stop at the Clarion/Wyndham Garden Atlanta Airport Hotel from 2 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. (between sessions at Taffi Dollar's Authentic 2010: Dare To Be Real Conference). Although it has many other planned stops on the 2010 Tour, CAOT is pleased to announce that it is premiering at the prestigious Harlem Book Fair in New York on July 17, 2010. And in August 2010, CAOT is hosting a 2-day Christian writer’s conference as part of a 5-day Western Caribbean cruise scheduled August 14—19, 2010. For more details regarding these and other 2010 Tour events, visit CAOT online at or call 1-800-929-1418.

The 2010 Trustworthy and True: Christian Authors on Tour (CAOT) is a project of TAKE ACTION! Publishing, a subsidiary of Create-A-Book Baltimore. MJR Publications ( is one of its corporate sponsors.

TAKE Action! Publishing
Lynn Pinder