New Website is a Winner for Advertisers and Visitors

New Website is a Winner for Advertisers and Visitors
Greensboro, NC, February 16, 2010 --( There’s a new Website online that promises to be a win-win proposition for everyone who touches it. provides traffic for advertisers, great prizes for raffle players, money to important social causes, and a revenue stream that will help a family get out of debt.

The premise of the website is simple. Visitors to the site click on advertiser icons to enter the monthly raffle for a big-ticket prize like a 32 GB IPOD Touch, a large screen TV, laptop computer or another prize that is sure to get visitors excited.

When the visitor clicks the icon, it automatically opens a two-frame window. The top frame contains the advertiser’s landing page or online advertisement and the bottom frame contains the free raffle entry form. The catch for consumers is that it takes about 10 seconds for the raffle form to load so there’s plenty of time for the visitor to view the advertiser’s ad while they wait. is sure to provide advertisers with a lot of traffic that helps build their name recognition as well as sales because raffle players can click an advertiser’s ad icon once a day to enter the raffle. “The impressions and frequency for the advertiser can’t help but be converted into sales and real revenue,” said Greg Mueller, owner of, a Freedom Innovations, LLC company.

He continued, “The real beauty of this raffle website is that it will very quickly become self-funded. All of the prizes are purchased from advertising revenues and advertisers will be able to quickly recoup their advertising investment because of the increased traffic to their websites.”

“We expect traffic to to grow rapidly because of the speed at which people share news about a great deal,” Mueller said. “Because there is absolutely no cost to enter the raffle on a daily basis and it takes only a few seconds of the consumer’s time, they have nothing to lose and a lot to gain".

The website just launched this month and in addition to giving away a 32 GB IPOD touch on March 1, 2010, weekly prizes are also being awarded including $50 Amazon gift cards and $50 cash via PayPal.

The website is currently selling 20x20 ad blocks for the introductory price of $350 for the first 12 months; after the first year the cost will be $350 for six months of exposure. Advertisers may purchase as many blocks as they’d like and position them all together for a large icon or have several icons scattered across the board.

The website owners have also pledged to donate a portion of each month’s revenue to worthwhile causes. For example, five percent of February’s advertising revenue will be donated to a group like the American Red Cross to help the people of the earthquake ravaged island of Haiti.

About was started by a college student who is trying to finish school while working full time to support a family with two small children. The goal of the website is to offer a worthwhile advertising venue that offers value to advertisers, consumers and worthwhile causes. RaffleClicks is already creating a buzz on the Internet with Blog owners telling their readers about the opportunity. The Website owner and his business partner also own and operate a website called,, which generates more than 8 million clicks per month.

Freedom Innovations LLC
Greg Mueller