Blog Talk Radio Program Inspires Listeners to Higher Fulfillment

Co-Hosted Online Radio Program Plants Seeds of Inspiration to Sprout Success.

Woodmere, NY, February 17, 2010 --( Susan Bonfiglio and Kristen Lauter are no strangers to inspiring others. Since July 2008, this blog talk radio duo have been planting seeds of inspiration in the lives of their listeners in order to encourage them toward greater fulfillment and higher achievement. Their online radio program, Attract the Life You Desire, seeks to empower others in setting goals to help them pursue their dreams and build the life they aspire to.

"Every goal worth pursuing needs an empowered soul behind it to step it into highest gear," state Bonfiglio and Lauter on their program’s website. "We give you the tools to reach your goals." And between them, they have a myriad of tools at their disposal.

Susan Bonfiglio is a Licensed Certified Social Worker (LCSW), an Independent Licensed LifeSuccess Consultant, and co-author of Shared Grace: Therapists and Clergy Working Together (The Haworth Pastoral Press, 2000). In addition, she is a business partner with Bob Proctor, founder of LifeSuccess Consultants. Through that collaboration, Bonfiglio strives to teach others how to rely on and believe in their innate, unlimited potential and inner power, taking them from "the brink of possibility to the path of infinite probability" through seminars, workshops, and one-on-one coaching.

Kristen Lauter is founder of the Holistic Healers Academy where she and her colleagues offer a variety of educational and supportive services to emphasize the health of the whole person: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Using a variety of methods such as metaphysics, natural and holistic health and healing, nutritional and spiritual counseling, and more, the academy promotes a natural health that honors the entire person and encourages a more harmonious life overall.

Together, Susan and Kristen have co-authored an upcoming book with such well known authors and celebrities as Bob Proctor, Brian Tracy, Paul Martinelli, John DeMartini, Marie Diamond, Don Boyer and others, and have been freely sharing their knowledge and insight via their Blog Talk Radio show for the past several months.

Each Attract the Life You Desire program centers around the discussion of such universal laws as attraction, science, knowledge, quantum physics, and more. The women also share a variety of common sense insight and sound information regarding everything from natural health to spiritual well-being. Their intention is to inspire and help their listeners attract the life they desire. And listening to their audience’s response to their program affirms that is just what they do.

For more information about Susan Bonfiglio or Kristen Lauter, call (516) 355-6276, or visit

Susan & Kristen
Susan Bonfiglio