European Broadband Tariffs Drifted by Bundling Services

San Francisco, CA, October 31, 2006 --( According to the last report published by Quantum-Web, Q3 2006 was the quarter of bundling services for the European operators. At the end of this quarter nearly 17% of all available broadband packages were bundled. Most of the cable operators and telecom carriers gear up for competition in the market for bundled services.

As the consequence, there is an increase in the DSL tariffs where many European operators have been launching bundled services. In fact there is a steady increase of DSL prices in terms of Euro/Mbps since Q3 2005.

At the moment, the tilt is in the favour of DSL providers as they have been able to offer better deals on fixed and mobile phone calls together with broadband. This is mainly due to the fact that the voice as part of bundle services is nearly costless for telecom carriers.

Looking at the tariffs trend in the period of Q3 2005- Q3 2006, The cable prices has seen the lowest decrease compare to the other access technologies (-8.51%) as cable operators are getting more aggressive, in terms of maximising ARPU, offering bundled services.

During the third quarter of 2006, tariffs for broadband services vary widely between the operators and countries. During this quarter for example tariffs for uncapped amortized packages are clearly lowest in Italy, France and Germany with the leading operators charging €1.09 (Club Internet) to €21.45 per 1Mbps bandwidth (Numericable). At the other end of the scale, some of the most expensive operators are in Luxembourg, Bosnia and Belgium with tariffs up €212 per 1 Mbps bandwidth (Cybernet in Belgium).

European tariffs tend to be in the middle of the range, around €30/Mbps to €60/Mbps.

This report provides insight into the status of the broadband tariffs in Europe. It analyses and recommends strategies for the different types of access technologies' tariffs in the European broadband market. In addition, it quantifies the competitive situation for tariffs for each speed band and for residential and businesses separately. It includes top broadband service providers packages by country at the end of third quarter of 2006. In addition, prices are calculated in Local currency, Euro, US dollar and in US dollar in PPP terms.

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Qmars Safikhani
0044 7799353000