Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies Launches Resource-Rich Website to Support Healing and Promote Natural, Less-Invasive Treatment Methods

Rincon, PR, February 19, 2010 --( Billions of dollars are spent every year on cancer research and treatments that refuse to respect a basic tenet of the Hippocratic Oath: First Do No Harm. Ani Kaspar announced today that her resource-rich website,, launched to support wellness and to promote a Compassionate Cure for Cancer.

Visitors are invited to find and share the inspiration and resources that helped the author thrive through invasive intraductal breast cancer, the most pervasive breast cancer in the world today and to download the first chapter of Kaspar’s new book as a free gift.

The web site is also a call to action for Kaspar's humanitarian effort: Compassionate Cure for Cancer®. She asks cancer patients worldwide request the modern medical community investigate and deliver natural, less invasive methods of treating and curing cancer.

“Ani Kaspar is spiritual warrioress who has opened the window of her beautiful soul to the world,” said Debra Segunda, International Wellness Speaker and President of Raw Food DVDs.” Her web site is natural reflection of that beauty and provides thoughtful resources for anyone involved with the journey called cancer.”

Kaspar joins a prominent group of celebrity cancer survivors who are publically demanding less invasive and more natural cures for cancer and all disease. With her new book, Knockout, Suzanne Somers is the most recent to join in the crusade along with Melissa Etheridge who signed on as lead sponsor for the Noreen Fraser Foundation, and Fran Drescher, author of Cancer Schmancer. More and more breast cancer survivors are leading efforts to find cures, fund research and aid in a compassionate fight against cancer.

“You must become a shaman, a great master to get under, over, above, around, and through cancer. Cancer is a relentless teacher," says Kaspar. "After five years I’ve learned a lot about how to thrive beyond such a life-changing diagnosis. Our website is committed to distributing expert-focused information to all people, not only those diagnosed with cancer. I encourage you to visit and then gift us with your involvement. We cherish your voice."

About Ani Kaspar
Ani Kaspar is an author, humanitarian, and pioneer of the worldwide movement “Compassionate Cure for Cancer®”. She’s the creator of the ISÒ Intuitive Sovereignty method and founder of BodyByBliss™, an international wellness consultancy. Her personal journey is chronicled in her book Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies: Conquering Cancer with a Life of Soul. Visit for more information and to download the first chapter of Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies.

Media Contact:
Sheryl Lane
Sheryl Lane Marketing
T: 408.568.2249

Pelicans, Coconuts and Butterflies
Sheryl Lane