As the Threat of a Recession Rises MBE Offers Moguls a New Horizon

Merchants Barter Exchange offers barter as a solution for the bursting of the housing bubble.

Malden, WA, November 01, 2006 --( With interest rates climbing and the possibility of a recession, wise investors, and agents are now seeking an answer to this crisis. Analysts are worried that the bursting of the housing bubble could have a similar impact as the bursting of the stock market bubble in 2000, which contributed to the 2001 recession. Many contractors went out of business the last time the housing market dipped. Once again, contractors are faced with the reality of struggling to keep their doors open. Merchants Barter Exchange (MBE) can offer an edge over the competition that can keep your business afloat during this struggle.

"The median price for a new home sold in September was $217,100, a decline of 9.7 percent from September 2005. That was the lowest median home price in two years and the sharpest year-over-year decline since December 1970, providing dramatic evidence of the slowdown in the once-booming housing market," reported by The Commerce Department.

By working with MBE companies can earn trade dollars from other members who may have been more cautious with their cash dollars. They can use those earned dollars with other members in the network to generate cash business. Barter can help you stay in business when profits are lean. It gives you an edge over your competition, generates business from outside your local area, and keeps your employees working so they are there when cash jobs pick up.

“Barter could be the difference between riding out the downturn of the cycle or changing careers.” Bill Grant – Today’s Money Matters

Both the National Association of Trade Exchanges (NATE) and the International Reciprocal Trade Association (IRTA) have reported increases in trade volume for the last year. ‘The World Trade Organization estimates that 15% or $8.43 billion of the $5.62 trillion in international trade is conducted on a non-cash basis. Yet, as impressive as this number may be, less than 1% of businesses use non-cash trade as a means of doing business.’- 2004 Global Reciprocal Trade Statistics.

The real estate industry is full of self-starters, risk takers and successful sales agents. Barter is a wide-open marketplace where real estate skills can be honed to find new success. Real estate moguls who jumped in the ‘flipping’ frenzy are now looking for the next trend they can invest their business savvy. They usually carry with them a team of dedicated sales agents who were along for the ride of making huge commissions. Experienced sales representatives are valuable commodities for success in any field. Right now as commission checks are lean, they are looking for new ways to make money. Sales reps need a vision. They need to know that the product they are selling is truly of value to the consumer and provides long-term stability.

“I started this company years ago because I saw true barter as a valuable business tool that could help keep businesses of every size going under from the competition, now I have a national company because the demand for what we offer is so great.” Steve Bolles, President Merchants Barter Exchange.
Merchants Barter Exchange began in 2000. Since then, the company has proven a six-year reputation of success, and in 2004 expanded into franchising. By using barter, you can generate significant new business while you conserve cash and clear out excess time, inventory, or capacity. Our motto is 100% trade, 100% of the time. Barter exchange eliminates the drawback of traditional one-to-one bartering. You can obtain goods or services from a member company even if they have no need for your goods or services. Unlike regional exchanges, Merchants Barter Exchange is national in scope, providing their members many more opportunities to trade. Members conduct their transactions with 100% Trade Dollars, and charge Trade Dollar prices equivalent to cash prices. This supports the value of the Trade Dollar and enables a solid exchange for both the buyer and seller.

Merchants Barter Exchange
Antoinette Padjack