the Future of Publishing

NewYork, NY, February 25, 2010 --( The Future of Publishing Begins With, An Online Community For Independent Writers To Publish And Sell Their Work.

Great American Author Contest Jump Starts Launch. Authors Enter For The Chance To Have Their Book Featured In An Upcoming Television Commercial. was created for authors, by authors to give exposure to the large population of unpublished writers who are seeking an alternative to the traditional publishing model. As a free social network, is a one-stop shop for everything a writer needs to publish a book: assistance with copyrights, editing, proofreading, marketing and publicity tools, and cover art creation. With writers can offer their work as ebooks, audiobooks and print-on-demand paperback copies. Members can set up an online bookstore, sell books at the price they choose, and connect with like-minded writers. And offers the most compelling publishing fees in the industry. was founded by Scott Weisenthal, a veteran NBC television, agency and web copywriter and author himself. He has won numerous awards for his work, and is highlighted in Essentials of Marketing, a college textbook published by McGraw-Hill. Scott has experienced firsthand the complexities of getting his work published and wanted to create a community where authors could work with each other to get their work out and hone their craft.

As Scott says, "We wanted to create a social network, where authors could easily monetize their life's work and not have to pay ridiculous fees. As we developed the site, we knew we couldn't just focus on the writer, so we set up the site to also feed readers' sense of discovery. This, as well as our marketing initiatives, will give authors the best possible exposure."

The Great American Author contest provides a huge opportunity for three authors to have their books featured in an upcoming television commercial. For more details, log on to

Scott Weisenthal