NANNYGUARDS(SM) Announces Nanny Security Training

NANNYGUARDS(SM) a premiere nanny security training organization announces its new training program Child Protection Specialist (CPS) program. Designed for all nannies, but specifically geared to those that work with families that travel extensively, are influential corporate heads, celebrities and athletes, NANNYGUARDS trains nannies in operational security revolving around children.

San Francisco, CA, February 25, 2010 --( NANNYGUARDS(SM) opens new office in California designed for the latest Child Protection Specialist (CPS) training course. This course is designed to acquaint nannies with the skills necessary when working with high-profile clients. "Families wishing for a nanny to have a greater sense awareness to threats that are seen and unseen seem to be every family wealthy or not. Until now no one knew that nannies could receive this specialized training." states Deni Zinxhiria co-founder of NANNYGUARDS.

Training consists of 3-7 days depending upon training level a nanny desires. Topics such as dealing with media and paparazzi, driving skills, evacuation planning, traveling with children and much more are presented. Foot and vehicle drills and scenarios are planned out to give each nanny a sense of what its like to deal with a real-world situation. Zinxhiria goes on to say "This is not for everyone. We have designed our system to only allow the strong to survive. We have the most stringent background investigation performed on nannies in the industry. Our private risk management and investigation firm ensure that nannies are of the highest ethical position."

The world's first nanny security training program is open to all nannies that can pass a rigid background and psychological evaluation. Nannies also are required to meet certain physical readiness standards in order to serve their clients most effectively and to keep the NANNYGUARDS standard very high. Upon successful completion of the course a nanny will receive the CPS credential and NANNYGUARDS title as well as use of the logo in their marketing.

Those wishing to know more about training, background investigations and placement are invited to contact NANNYGUARDS by visiting Additionally, nannies and agencies wishing to work with NANNYGUARDS can call: 1(877) Nanny-97.

Deni Zinxhiria