Skin Care Basics Part 3 – Skin Care for Combination Skin Types

Skincare News Magazine gives readers a simplified skin care way to take care of their combination skin.

Sacramento, CA, November 01, 2006 --( Skin care skin types vary from person to person and for those with combination skin, their skincare routine has to cover both oily and dry skin.’s latest article, “All Mixed Up? Skin Care for Combination Skin,” shows readers how to tackle this skin type.

Unlike skin types that are solely dry or only oily, combination skin has to maintain parts that are both dry and oily, an unlikely situation, or so you would think: 

Combination skin is exactly what the name suggests: skin that is combined with more than one skin type. People who have combination skin often experience dry skin on certain parts of their face and oily skin on others. If some areas of your face feel tight, dry, flaky or dull, while your T-zone (the area across your forehead down to your nose and chin) looks shiny, feels greasy or oily and is prone to blackheads, you have a combination skin type. While it seem like this skin type may have more work to do when it comes to a skincare regimen, it's actually the opposite. There are necessary skin care steps that need to be followed, of course, but while it may be a skincare nuisance to have both dry and oily skin, this skin type is fairly easy to maintain.

When it comes to caring for combination skin, the skincare work starts when summer comes around: 

One of the most important times to pay attention to your combination skin type is during the summer. When the temperature outside starts to rise, so will your level of sebum (oil). Keep this in mind and make sure to pay close attention to your T-zone while cleansing this area during your daily skincare routine. Don't be too harsh by scrubbing, simply make gentle, circular motions with your fingertips. Spend a little bit more time cleansing this skin care area as well. If you feel the need to exfoliate, that's fine as long as you are using a gentle and skincare-friendly formulation. Products that contain alpha hydroxy acids and vitamin A retinols can help balance combination skin. Use oil-absorbing makeup to reduce shine.

Maintaining a good diet is one of the most essentials steps combination skin types must take, as the article suggests: 

According to, eating a balanced diet containing plenty of Vitamins A, C, D and E is a sure fire way to maintaining healthy skin. Vitamins C and E help to prevent skin damage from free radicals, which can cause visible lines and wrinkles. Vitamin C also helps the body to produce and maintain healthy collagen levels. Vitamin A helps to prevent sun damage and Vitamins C and D help with skin healing. Essential fatty acids found in vegetable oils, fish such as salmon and tuna, and nuts help to nourish and hydrate the skin, and give it a glowing complexion. 

According to skin care expert, Stephanie Brown, combination skin is really easy to take care of compared to dry and oily skin types. “Aside from normal skin, which is what combination skin is sometimes referred to as, this skin type is pretty ideal. It doesn’t have to be difficult to maintain. It’s smart to be mindful of the little things that can make or break your skin.” covers all skincare and beauty topics from head to toe. Check out these latest articles that also mention ethnicity and skincare:

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About -- Your Source for Intelligent Skin Care is the online source for consumers seeking intelligent beauty and skin care news, advice, tips and articles. Founded in 2005, features articles, news items and frequently asked questions on skincare and beauty related issues. is located in Sacramento, California but receives visitors from all around the world. For more information, visit

Bobby Lyons