XML2U.com Provides Easy Property Upload Solution to Kyero

Spanish property portal, Kyero, adopts XML2U.com data file generating service to enable real estate agents to more easily upload all their property listings automatically.

West Palm Beach, FL, February 28, 2010 --(PR.com)-- Around 50% of the properties on Kyero.com are advertised by 30% of estate agents. The reason for this disparity is, says Martin Bell at Kyero, that these agents are the ones who automatically update their properties using an XML data feed.

They have more properties advertised because it’s easy for them to make changes and updates.

Basically, using a data feed allows them to make the changes to their own system once only – and then ‘feed’ those changes to Kyero.com – and wherever else they want to make their property content available – perhaps to collaborating agents or other portals.

The business of creating an XML data feed isn’t complex – but it is pretty technical and can cost around €500 and a couple of days of programming work.

It is this technical complexity and up front cost that prevents many estate agents taking the plunge and getting a data feed built.

Now, there’s an alternative, which is inexpensive, easy and quick.

A new service from www.XML2U.com will automatically pull property information out of an estate agent's web site and present it as a data feed which Kyero.com – and other portals – can use to import and update property data.

XML2U.com set up the whole thing for a very reasonable ten pounds a month, updating the data feed every day so that estate agents never have to worry about updating multiple advertising portals or collaborators again.

Just give Kyero details of the data feed which XML2U create and everything will happen automatically.

Kyero tested XML2U with a particularly nasty estate agent web site (not naming names) – and they did incredibly well extracting good clean data from it.

If agents are having trouble keeping their advertising partners and collaborators up to date – XML2U.com has the solution and it’ll save hours and hours of mundane work.

Martin Dell, Kyero.com

Corin Ashbee-Waugh
+44 (0) 20 8144 2036