Novelist Finds Support, Means Through Web Services

Internet services allowing novelists the flexibility to successfully self-publish.

New York, NY, February 27, 2010 --( In the last decade independently produced music, film, and art has become easily accessible to a wider audience via internet services. Using services such as and, novelists like Darlene McCullough are more readily able to join the indie movement and self-produce; reducing the stigma of the 'vanity' press.

Beginning with its launch in 2009, has been an ever-expanding vehicle for independently produced projects spanning from film to music and even food. With the successful completion of her campaign on January 5, 2010, Ms. McCullough has been able to complete a life-long dream and use the funds to self-publish her first novel, Venture, via

Ms. McCullough began writing Venture in October 2009. “I wanted to write a fantasy novel that would be interesting for people who knew the genre, but still accessible to someone whose never even hear of Tolkien or Le Guin... with a strong female central hero. A few friends read it and we agreed I had something worth sharing... but I wasn't sure how to get it out there. I'm not interested in having some publisher pushing it out there... but then I found Kickstarter.” After reading an article in the New York Times, Ms. McCullough received an invite, set up her project, and started looking for backers.

According to the FAQ section on they're “a new way to fund creative ideas and ambitious endeavors.” Project creators set a goal needed to fund their project and 'backers' pledge funds via Kickstarter's website. And it's “all-or-nothing”; unless the full goal is reached, no money changes hands.

Ms. McCullough's goal was low, only $300, and she describes it in her blog as “the point where I wouldn't lose money”. She made her goal by over 300%.

“My backers have been very supportive,” Ms. McCullough said, “e-mailing and following along with the updates. It was never about making $1,000; it was about finishing the project and having people be excited about it. I've done that. And now it's time to publish it.”

Ms. McCullough's ultimate goal was to publish the novel, and was able to use another internet service to do so: is a 'publish on demand' service allowing authors to create projects outside the normal publishing model. Lulu allows authors to create content, free of charge, and make it available to their audience via an on-line marketplace. Using Lulu's expanded features the author can then make their work available to, Barnes and Noble stores, and even international markets. According to's website over 400,000 titles were published via Lulu in 2008.

Venture by Darlene McCullough was released on February 20, 2010 and is available at For more information on Ms. McCullough visit or e-mail her directly at

### is the premier marketplace for digital content on the Internet, with over 300,000 recently published titles, and more than 4,000 new titles added each week, created by people in 80 different countries. Lulu is changing the world of publishing by enabling the creators of books, videos, periodicals, multimedia and other content to publish their work themselves with complete editorial and copyright control. With Lulu offices in the US, Canada, the UK and Europe, Lulu customers can reach the globe.

Darlene McCullough: Darlene McCullough is an actress and writer originally from Pittstown, NY. She is a graduate of the University at Albany and a Chancellor's Award recipient in 2006. Ms. McCullough currently lives in Brooklyn, NY with her husband and two cats and can be contacted at
Darlene McCullough