ExpertFuze Launches Website for Expert Searching Service

Glenview, IL, February 27, 2010 --( ExpertFuze, an expert search and referral service, opened the doors to its new website earlier this month. The company performs expert searches for requests submitted through its website.

To request an expert search, an employer fills out a form on the ExpertFuze website detailing the expert they would like to hire. ExpertFuze searches through their network and other available sources to find the best matches and returns the results in an easy to read format that lets the employer quickly compare the experts within 48 hours. ExpertFuze then contacts the experts to determine their availability, interest, and any potential conflicts.

Founded in 2009 by four Chicago-area entrepreneurs, ExpertFuze is positioning itself to be a low-cost alternative to the current expert search and referral companies. “ExpertFuze separates itself from the competition by charging a relatively low, upfront fee for the expert search. Other companies tack on a fee to an expert’s hourly rate which ends up costing employers thousands of dollars,” said Director of Marketing Chris Place.

The ExpertFuze team, with backgrounds in engineering and patent law, has many years experience in searching for experts. “Finding an expert online can be a difficult and time-consuming process,” explains Place. “The problem is most people we are looking for don’t know they are an expert.” An expert is any individual with highly specialized skills or knowledge. Experts typically are paid as consultants and can range from college professors to professionals with extensive industry experience.

In addition to expert searches, the company expects to release an online expert database by the end of Q2. Experts will be able to post their resumes on the website, and employers will be able to easily search for experts on their own. The online expert database will enter beta testing at the end of Q1.

About ExpertFuze,
ExpertFuze was founded in 2009 as a segment of JobFuze, Inc. ExpertFuze offers professional expert searches over the internet and is currently developing an online expert database. For more details, see

Chris Place