ComFit Solution’s WAVE Vibration Therapy Study Shows Improvement in Strength and Motor Skills in Multiple Sclerosis Patients
Omaha, NE, March 05, 2010 --( A two-month vibration therapy study in Omaha with 70 Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients has shown remarkable results. WAVE (Whole-body Advanced Vibration Exercise) technology has improved the patient‟s motor skills, decreased spasticity and increased flexibility.
For the study, the training staff from Comfit Solutions have teamed with Fast Forward, a conditioning gym, to test how whole-body vibration therapy benefits Multiple Sclerosis.
Daryl Kucera, the owner of Fast Forward who suffers from MS says, “It stimulates the muscles and the nerves. When you're inactive that doesn't happen, so it really brings out more activity in the person.”
The MS patients are happy to report that the study has improved not only their bodies, but also their attitudes:
“It makes me feel stronger,” says Jeff Morris.
“It gives me hope that things will continue to get better,” says Annie Oakley, who has seen the progress right away in her coloring book. It shows dramatic improvement in her motor skills in just a few weeks.
The training staff from Comfit Solutions will be publishing the results from their study in medical journals.
WAVE (Whole-body Advanced Vibration Exercise):
WAVE vibration technology has been a trusted name in the medical, rehabilitation, sports and fitness areas. As you place yourself in various exercise positions, the movement of the WAVE platform stimulates the body's natural stretch reflex‟. This is similar to having your knee tapped at a doctor‟s office. Without thinking about it, your body responds with a strong involuntary muscle contraction, leading your leg to kick out‟. With WAVE technology, these strong contractions can be repeated at a rapid rate, up to 3000 muscles contractions per minute. Since the muscle contractions are involuntary, nearly 100 percent of your muscles are being worked. By using only your body weight, minimal stress is placed on the joints.
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This press release may contain forward-looking statements. There are a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated by the statements above. These include, but are not limited to, competitive factors, technological and product developments, market demand and economic conditions.
For the study, the training staff from Comfit Solutions have teamed with Fast Forward, a conditioning gym, to test how whole-body vibration therapy benefits Multiple Sclerosis.
Daryl Kucera, the owner of Fast Forward who suffers from MS says, “It stimulates the muscles and the nerves. When you're inactive that doesn't happen, so it really brings out more activity in the person.”
The MS patients are happy to report that the study has improved not only their bodies, but also their attitudes:
“It makes me feel stronger,” says Jeff Morris.
“It gives me hope that things will continue to get better,” says Annie Oakley, who has seen the progress right away in her coloring book. It shows dramatic improvement in her motor skills in just a few weeks.
The training staff from Comfit Solutions will be publishing the results from their study in medical journals.
WAVE (Whole-body Advanced Vibration Exercise):
WAVE vibration technology has been a trusted name in the medical, rehabilitation, sports and fitness areas. As you place yourself in various exercise positions, the movement of the WAVE platform stimulates the body's natural stretch reflex‟. This is similar to having your knee tapped at a doctor‟s office. Without thinking about it, your body responds with a strong involuntary muscle contraction, leading your leg to kick out‟. With WAVE technology, these strong contractions can be repeated at a rapid rate, up to 3000 muscles contractions per minute. Since the muscle contractions are involuntary, nearly 100 percent of your muscles are being worked. By using only your body weight, minimal stress is placed on the joints.
For more information on Comfit Solutions,visit
This press release may contain forward-looking statements. There are a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated by the statements above. These include, but are not limited to, competitive factors, technological and product developments, market demand and economic conditions.
ComFit Solutions, LLC
Joseph L. Noel
Joseph L. Noel
