IJIS Institute Board of Directors Fund Strategic Plan Review

Ashburn, VA, March 02, 2010 --(PR.com)-- The IJIS Institute, a nonprofit organization that focuses on mission-critical information sharing for justice, public safety, and homeland security, will initiate a review of its strategic plan, originally developed and approved in 2008, thanks to the donations from several of the IJIS Institute Board of Directors.

The strategic plan was approved by the IJIS Institute Board of Directors at the August 2008 meeting, and it provided the organization with a new vision and mission, as well as accompanying strategic goals and guiding principles. Using the vision, mission, strategic goals, and guiding principles as the building blocks, the strategic plan focused on three key areas: growth, membership, and funding. The plan established a series of strategic initiatives for each of the three main areas, as well as measurements to gauge accomplishment.

The 2010 review of the strategic plan will consist of facilitated discussions amongst the IJIS Institute Board of Directors and staff to review areas where the organization has achieved success, areas in need of further efforts, and a reevaluation of the strategic goals and initiatives for the coming years.

The IJIS Institute President, Mike Lyons of VisionAIR, requested that the members of the Board of Directors contribute donations to help fund this strategic plan review. Several Board of Directors Member companies stepped up to help, including VisionAIR, MTG Management Consultants LLC, Trusted Federal Solutions Inc. Booz Allen Hamilton, URL Integration, and Unisys. One Board of Directors member, Matthew D'Alessandro, contributed as an individual. The IJIS Institute is thankful for the continued support of these Member companies in helping to shape the future of the organization in order to achieve the mission of uniting the private and public sectors to improve mission-critical information sharing for those who protect and serve our communities.

IJIS Institute
Andrea A. Walter