AHIMSA International Proposes Plans for Prosperity and National Health Plan for Uruguay

AHIMSA International, a non-profit think tank, perceives a tremendous opportunity for Uruguay to achieve a renewed state of prosperity and a national health program through a nationwide campaign to produce biofuels and organically grown foods.

Topanga, CA, November 10, 2006 --(PR.com)-- AHIMSA International, in collaboration with Visage Consulting, has developed a proposal to use a nationwide production of biofuels and organic foods to re-energize Uruguay's economy, facilitating employment, improved public services, and a national health care plan.

The following proposal is offered with great respect to the people of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay. It has been previously provided to the honorable ministers, senators and representatives.

As an agricultural nation, Uruguay has a timely opportunity to profit from the rising global biofuel and organics markets. Organics sales worldwide are skyrocketing which has created a drive toward organic farming across Latin America. Sales in the U.S. alone have more than doubled in the last five years. In Europe, the ban on genetically modifed foods has increased the high demand for organics.

At the same time, the United States and Europe have placed a priority on finding new sources for non-petroleum fuels and are looking to South America. Ford, Chrysler and G.M. are expanding to diesel and flex-fuel vehicles anticipating the biofuel evolution.

We have reached a rare moment in time when small nations and family farmers can jump into the energy business as it transitions from petroleum to biofuels.

Supplying the demand for biofuels and organic produce will expand jobs in agriculture and energy, and:
• increase national energy availability
• reduce expenditures for imported fuel and fertilizers
• reduce toxins in food
• lessen toxic run off
• regenerate soils
• reduce global warming (caused by petro-fertilizers and fuels)

An increased flow of agricultural products from farms to ports would rejuvenate railways and encourage biofuel-based transportation systems resulting in:
• improved air quality
• energy self-sufficiency
• non-polluting transportation

Increased employment and a renewed optimism among Uruguay’s youth will reduce poverty-related despair leading to drug abuse (e.g. Pasta Base.)

Development Choices
The production of biofuels is a road to energy and economic independence if certain criteria are met:
• Small farmers are major participants and share in the economic opportunity.
• Production is free of oppressive and future-compromising, political and financial obligations. (Most high quality biodiesel fuels can be created inexpensively, with small portable biofuel plants.)
• Standard infrastructure is handled by ANCAP.
• A significant portion of profits is dedicated to improving basic societal services.

National Health Care Program
This plan would provide:
• health care for all Uruguayans
• well-equipped facilities and improved medical salaries
• a rehabilitation program for drug abusers

Agro-energy and organics are viable paths to prosperity and health. However, the opportunity for participation by small farmers and businesses may not last, and a national health plan may be lost.

To secure this opportunity for the benefit of all Uruguayans please contact your local and regional representatives and request prompt attention to this matter.

More Information: http://ahimsainternational.org/programs/prosperidadysaluduruguay/
Email: ahimsa@AhimsaInternational.org

AHIMSA International
Dana Jay