Joe Verde to Speak at Washington State Car Dealers Convention

Joe Verde, owner, Joe Verde Sales & Management Training, Inc.® will hold a workshop on Fri., April 16 at the Washington State Automobile Dealers Association (WSADA) annual convention in Hawaii.

San Juan Capistrano, CA, April 03, 2010 --( The Washington State Automobile Dealers Association (WSADA) will welcome sales and management training expert Joe Verde to their annual convention April 16 on the Kohala Coast, Hawaii. Mr. Verde is the featured speaker and will hold a workshop addressing the most difficult decisions dealers must make now to ensure future growth.

Mr. Verde recently held four standing-room only workshops at the National Automobile Dealers Association’s (NADA) annual convention in Florida. His new book, “A Dealer’s Guide To Recovery & Growth In Today’s Market,” is going into its 3rd printing since July and has helped countless North American dealers develop a plan for returning to profitability and that is the focus of his workshop for the Washington State ADA.

“It’s time for dealers to stop managing expenses and start managing their dealerships so they can compete effectively in today’s new market,” said Mr. Verde, owner, Joe Verde Sales & Management Training, Inc.® “Now that the worst of the economic downturn is behind us, nothing is more important than solid leadership from the dealer and every manager.” He added, “Every person in the dealership is depending on the dealer for a vision on how to recover and grow. They expect dealers to create the goals and plans, and with full management support to ensure the execution of those plans,” said Mr. Verde.

Mr. Verde’s workshop is scheduled for Fri., April 16 from 9:15 am to 10:45 am at the Fairmont Orchid, Kohola Coast, HI.

For more information on Joe Verde’s sales and management workshops, online training or books, call (800) 445-6217 or visit the Web at


The Joe Verde Group® | |

Joe Verde is the author of “A Dealer’s Guide To Recovery & Growth,” the most valuable book for every dealer and manager in the car business today. Joe Verde Sales & Management Training, Inc.® just celebrated its 25th anniversary as the number one training company in the automobile, RV and marine industries with corporate offices in Southern California. Our company focus is training sales, finance, service and sales management for dealerships and manufacturers to increase their sales volume and net profit. We are a global organization with clients in dozens of countries around the world and our client list of over 3,600 dealerships includes a broad group – literally from the largest dealerships in the world to the smallest.
Joe Verde Group
Roy Haywood
(800) 445-6217