Institutional Investors Tell Doremus that Corporate Advertising Can Be the "Overheard Conversation" About a Company
According to a recent Doremus study with portfolio managers and equity analysts, corporate advertising may indirectly become part of the "overheard conversation" about a particular company.
New York, NY, November 10, 2006 --( Doremus, the communications company that understands the business of business, has conducted interviews and focus groups with portfolio managers and equity analysts to ascertain how they feel about corporate advertising, and whether they are influenced by it. The study has been conducted annually for the past six years.
Ads are “the overheard conversation”
While most equity analysts would go to their deathbed denying that advertising in any way impacts their view of a company, advertising messages can indirectly become part of the dialog… “the overheard conversation.”
Portfolio managers, on the other hand, are more open about advertising’s influence, primarily as a source of news about a company and its products.
Other reasons institutional investors said they valued corporate advertising:
• A company’s communications put it on the radar screen. “I had no idea what they did. They’ve really branched out.”
• Advertising builds demand. “I’m pleased to see this (ad). It’s a good use of capital in order to grow. It builds awareness. Most people don’t know the size and strength of (this company). They need to get their story out there.”
• Advertising helps institutional investors talk to clients. “They make the company more personable …. Investors are attracted to companies they can understand.”
Carl Anderson, President and CEO of Doremus, said, “Companies don’t realize that ads can play a significant part in their communications to the investor community. In today’s volatile and uncertain markets, instinct takes on a larger role in making investment decisions. Under these circumstances, corporate brands can have an influence… even on data-driven professionals.”
About Doremus
Doremus is known for its understanding of complex, considered decisions, multiple target audiences, and identifying the best communications channels to magnify budgets at all levels. Over 100 years old, with offices in the key business centers of the world, Doremus is constantly evolving to meet the marketing communications needs of business. Doremus is a member of the Omnicom Group.
Omnicom is a leading global advertising, marketing and corporate communications company. Omnicom’s branded networks and numerous specialty firms provide advertising, strategic media planning and buying, direct, and promotional marketing, public relations and other specialty communications services to over 5,000 clients in more than 100 countries.
Ads are “the overheard conversation”
While most equity analysts would go to their deathbed denying that advertising in any way impacts their view of a company, advertising messages can indirectly become part of the dialog… “the overheard conversation.”
Portfolio managers, on the other hand, are more open about advertising’s influence, primarily as a source of news about a company and its products.
Other reasons institutional investors said they valued corporate advertising:
• A company’s communications put it on the radar screen. “I had no idea what they did. They’ve really branched out.”
• Advertising builds demand. “I’m pleased to see this (ad). It’s a good use of capital in order to grow. It builds awareness. Most people don’t know the size and strength of (this company). They need to get their story out there.”
• Advertising helps institutional investors talk to clients. “They make the company more personable …. Investors are attracted to companies they can understand.”
Carl Anderson, President and CEO of Doremus, said, “Companies don’t realize that ads can play a significant part in their communications to the investor community. In today’s volatile and uncertain markets, instinct takes on a larger role in making investment decisions. Under these circumstances, corporate brands can have an influence… even on data-driven professionals.”
About Doremus
Doremus is known for its understanding of complex, considered decisions, multiple target audiences, and identifying the best communications channels to magnify budgets at all levels. Over 100 years old, with offices in the key business centers of the world, Doremus is constantly evolving to meet the marketing communications needs of business. Doremus is a member of the Omnicom Group.
Omnicom is a leading global advertising, marketing and corporate communications company. Omnicom’s branded networks and numerous specialty firms provide advertising, strategic media planning and buying, direct, and promotional marketing, public relations and other specialty communications services to over 5,000 clients in more than 100 countries.
Marianne Flatley
Marianne Flatley
