HaMaKuA Publishing Debuts April 14

HaMaKuA ("Breath of God") Publishing: New ebook publisher debuts April 14 with The Fifth Sun, a book by Don Beckett.

Mesa, AZ, April 07, 2010 --(PR.com)-- HaMaKuA Publishing, a new publisher of ebooks, is on the horizon — at http://hamakuapublishing.net. HaMaKuA is the latest project of Don Beckett, known for his website Reiki, Johrei, Macrobiotics (http://johreiki.net) and for his benchmark book Reiki, The True Story (http://reikithetruestory.com).

Hamakua is an Hawai'ian word meaning "Breath of God" — and the aim of HaMaKuA Publishing is to be a clear channel for the "Breath of God" — to publish writings based on universal, eternal truths.

HaMaKuA's first publication is a book written by Beckett himself, The Fifth Sun, available starting April 14. Subtitled "A simple exercise for increasing vitality, health, and Self-realization," it's a small book that may have a big, transformational effect in your life. It details a breathing exercise, behind which is the Mayan understanding that we are about to enter the World of the Fifth Sun (on December 21, 2012). For those willing to drop the old, duality-based consciousness, the Fifth Sun brings a new consciousness of unity — and the breathing exercise presented in this book is a step in that direction.

The official birth-date of HaMaKuA Publishing is April 14, but you can visit the website (http://hamakuapublishing.net) now and enter to win one of ten copies of The Fifth Sun, to be given away on April 28.

HaMaKuA Publishing
Don Beckett
480 610 0866