MaPS Credit Union Celebrates Young Savers During Financial Literacy Month
MaPS Credit Union is offerings special rewards and contests for youth who visit the credit union from April 19 through April 24.
Salem, OR, April 10, 2010 --( April is financial literacy month, and MaPS Credit Union is helping local youth build good savings habits and have fun with their banking during National Credit Union Youth Week, April 19-24.
Youth who visit any credit union branch during the week will receive special rewards and may enter into a drawing for one of two $75 awards in honor of MaPS’ 75th anniversary and for one of 10 national $100 awards. Branches are also hosting coloring contests for the youngest visitors. Winners of the coloring contests and drawing will be announced May 1.
Parents or guardians may give permission at any branch for their child to enter by submitting a registration slip or paper stating name, date of visit, youth’s current age and amount deposited that day. Most branches are open Monday through Saturday, and youth can enter the drawing once a day.
Youth Week is one way MaPS Credit Union supports its goal of providing real-life educational and savings opportunities for young members working toward personal and financial goals while building and maintaining good credit. In addition, MaPS offers savings, checking and credit services tailored to meet the needs of members ages 0-17. The credit union also instructs students and operates three non-profit student branches as school-to-work labs for high school business courses at North Salem, West Salem and McKay high schools.
More information about how the credit union movement supports youth financial literacy can be found at
MaPS Credit Union has come a long way since a group of 17 volunteers joined together in 1935, running the credit union out of kitchens and living rooms in homes throughout Marion County. Today, MaPS serves more than 39,000 members in Marion, Polk, Yamhill, Linn, Benton, Clackamas, Washington, and Multnomah counties. The credit union has nine branches located in east, west, south and central Salem; Keizer; the Willamette University campus; Monmouth; Woodburn; and Silverton.
For more information, please contact Jennifer Cadiente, Marketing Department
503-588-0181 or 800-688-0181, ext. 3230, or e-mail:
Administration Center • 451 Division St., NE • P.O. Box 12398 • Salem, OR 97309 • (503) 588-0181 • FAX (503) 588-0665
Hines Street Branch • 1900 Hines St., SE • Salem, OR 97309 • (503) 588-0181 • FAX (503) 588-0665
West Salem Branch • 476 Glen Creek Rd., NW • Salem, OR 97304 • (503) 588-0181 • FAX (503) 588-0377
Chemeketa Branch • 4001 Winema Place, NE, Suite 100 • Salem, OR 97305 • (503) 588-0181 • FAX (503) 375-3126
McNary Branch • 111 McNary Estates Dr. • Keizer, OR 97307 • (503) 588-0181 • FAX (503) 463-6292
South Salem Branch • 4615 Commercial Street, SE • Salem, OR 97302 • (503) 588-0181, ext. 5750 • FAX (503) 566-2168
WU Bearcat Branch • Putnam Center, Willamette University • (503) 370-6933 • FAX (503) 370-6831
Monmouth Branch • 163 North Knox Street, Monmouth, OR 97361 • (503) 588-0181 • FAX (503) 838-2884
Woodburn Branch • 1860 Newberg Highway, Woodburn, OR 97071 • (971) 216-0110 • FAX (503) 779-1562
Silverton Branch • 307 E. Main Street, Silverton ,OR 97071 • (503) 873-MaPS • FAX (503) 874-5616
Youth who visit any credit union branch during the week will receive special rewards and may enter into a drawing for one of two $75 awards in honor of MaPS’ 75th anniversary and for one of 10 national $100 awards. Branches are also hosting coloring contests for the youngest visitors. Winners of the coloring contests and drawing will be announced May 1.
Parents or guardians may give permission at any branch for their child to enter by submitting a registration slip or paper stating name, date of visit, youth’s current age and amount deposited that day. Most branches are open Monday through Saturday, and youth can enter the drawing once a day.
Youth Week is one way MaPS Credit Union supports its goal of providing real-life educational and savings opportunities for young members working toward personal and financial goals while building and maintaining good credit. In addition, MaPS offers savings, checking and credit services tailored to meet the needs of members ages 0-17. The credit union also instructs students and operates three non-profit student branches as school-to-work labs for high school business courses at North Salem, West Salem and McKay high schools.
More information about how the credit union movement supports youth financial literacy can be found at
MaPS Credit Union has come a long way since a group of 17 volunteers joined together in 1935, running the credit union out of kitchens and living rooms in homes throughout Marion County. Today, MaPS serves more than 39,000 members in Marion, Polk, Yamhill, Linn, Benton, Clackamas, Washington, and Multnomah counties. The credit union has nine branches located in east, west, south and central Salem; Keizer; the Willamette University campus; Monmouth; Woodburn; and Silverton.
For more information, please contact Jennifer Cadiente, Marketing Department
503-588-0181 or 800-688-0181, ext. 3230, or e-mail:
Administration Center • 451 Division St., NE • P.O. Box 12398 • Salem, OR 97309 • (503) 588-0181 • FAX (503) 588-0665
Hines Street Branch • 1900 Hines St., SE • Salem, OR 97309 • (503) 588-0181 • FAX (503) 588-0665
West Salem Branch • 476 Glen Creek Rd., NW • Salem, OR 97304 • (503) 588-0181 • FAX (503) 588-0377
Chemeketa Branch • 4001 Winema Place, NE, Suite 100 • Salem, OR 97305 • (503) 588-0181 • FAX (503) 375-3126
McNary Branch • 111 McNary Estates Dr. • Keizer, OR 97307 • (503) 588-0181 • FAX (503) 463-6292
South Salem Branch • 4615 Commercial Street, SE • Salem, OR 97302 • (503) 588-0181, ext. 5750 • FAX (503) 566-2168
WU Bearcat Branch • Putnam Center, Willamette University • (503) 370-6933 • FAX (503) 370-6831
Monmouth Branch • 163 North Knox Street, Monmouth, OR 97361 • (503) 588-0181 • FAX (503) 838-2884
Woodburn Branch • 1860 Newberg Highway, Woodburn, OR 97071 • (971) 216-0110 • FAX (503) 779-1562
Silverton Branch • 307 E. Main Street, Silverton ,OR 97071 • (503) 873-MaPS • FAX (503) 874-5616
MaPS Credit Union
Jennifer Cadiente
503 588-0181
ext. 3230
Jennifer Cadiente
503 588-0181
ext. 3230
