Ways With Words Translation Services Helps Businesses Communicate in Foreign Languages

If you need to communicate with companies in countries where you don’t speak the language, Ways With Words can help you to get your message across, whatever the language, accurately, cost effectively and coherently.

Cirencester, United Kingdom, April 15, 2010 --(PR.com)-- Initially founded in 2007, translation agency Ways With Words recently announced its evolution to limited company status in early 2010. The translation company, based in Cirencester, prides itself not only on the high quality and accuracy of the foreign language translations it provides, but also on the quality of customer service it offers. Director Anna Thompson said, “We are committed to giving customers our full attention at all times and going the extra mile to ensure they receive the best service they can get. Despite an increasing amount of automation within the translation industry, we are excited and proud to be able to offer our customers a personalised translation service, which is efficient, accurate and reliable.”

Ways With Words Translation Services Ltd helps companies to communicate with foreign, non-English speaking markets, by accurately and cost effectively translating documentation, brochures, sales literature and websites into many different languages. They do this by working with professionally qualified translators, who also have a wide experience translating in their particular subject area. Director Andrew Mann said, “The concerns our clients normally have relate to the quality of the finished translation. Understandably, they want to be sure that the translation is being done by a translator working into their mother tongue, someone who has years of experience working as a translator; as well as someone who knows their subject area inside out and keeps an eye on developments within their area of expertise. This can be of tremendous value when providing technical and scientific translations, where use of correct and up-to-date terminology is essential.

As well as being able to provide high quality translation services, Ways With Words offers a reliable and accurate multilingual typesetting service. This means they can provide print-ready versions of clients’ artwork in a vast range of foreign languages, from French, German, Spanish and Italian, to Japanese, Chinese and Korean. Director Sarah Smith added, “We are really excited to be able to provide this service. Our clients rely on us to typeset their brochures, leaflets and other publicity material accurately and efficiently, so that they can communicate with their overseas markets effectively, whilst retaining their corporate house style. We typeset their publications in foreign languages using their original artwork files – normally in Quark or InDesign formats – we make sure typographic rules are adhered to, that hyphenation is correct and that accented characters have been rendered correctly”.

In view of the challenges facing businesses in the coming years, the importance of communicating and selling to foreign markets cannot be understated. It is however, a common fallacy that most people speak English – in fact only about 8% of the world’s population has English as its mother tongue. This makes it even more important for businesses to communicate with overseas clients in their own language, if they are to gain a competitive edge.

This is where Ways With Words can help. If you need to communicate with companies in countries where you don’t speak the language, we can help you to get your message across, whatever the language, accurately, cost effectively and coherently.

For more information please contact Ways With Words Translation Services Ltd at:

Tel.: +44 (0)1285 640998
Email: info@ways-with-words.com
Web: www.ways-with-words.com

Follow us on Twitter: wwwtranslation

Ways With Words Translation Services Ltd
Andrew Mann
01285 640998