Image of Change in the Running for $250,000 Pepsi Refresh Project Grant

Covering the Mic initiative will improve teen literacy nationwide by inspiring youth to write and report on how they plan to make a positive difference in their communities and around the world.

San Francisco, CA, April 15, 2010 --( Image of Change Enters Pepsi's Refresh Project “Covering the Mic” Initiative to Improve Teen Literacy Nationwide.

Founder and President, Jodie Blum announced that Image of Change is participating in the ground-breaking Pepsi Refresh Project. Its youth leadership initiative, “Covering the Mic,” will work alongside the National Education Association’s Read Across America, Youth Service America and and will inspire youth to write and report on how they plan to make a positive difference in their communities and around the world.

The Pepsi Refresh Project, which provides $1.3 million in grants to worthy endeavors each month, would provide Image of Change with funds to create and foster programs that will provide many important elements such as: providing teens the tools to improve literacy, provide teachers with resources and training kits required to assist in making modern social technology a vital tool and resource for classroom learning and provide funding for teen service projects.

As part of the project, Covering the Mic’s mentors will guide youth reporters on story development, writing and interviewing skills. Peer-to-peer interviews are then conducted in written, video or photo-journalistic format and posted each month through the Image of Change website and affiliated partner social network sites.

Videos are then produced for teens, which will help improve critical thinking, basic composition, spoken word, poetry and interview essays. In addition, a second video will be produced to instruct educators how to use and implement modern social technology in the classroom, such as flip cams, iPhone apps, social media networking, blogs, YouTube, Flickr, and Ning. Videos will then be shared with educators, parents, youth and program partners.

Image of Change will compete in the $250,000 grant category and can be linked from their Facebook fan page at for easy voting. Voting can be done by visiting each day for the month of April. The Pepsi Refresh Project accepts submissions from organizations that will have a positive impact in the community, and kicked off in January.

About Image of Change:
The mission of Image of Change is to bring together like-minded leaders in the sports, entertainment and corporate industries that support a diverse scope of programs to empower and change local communities around the world. Image of Change welcomes donations and can be reached at 415.571.8975 or for further information.

Contact: Traci Coulter
Image of Change

Image of Change
Traci Coulter
917 776 9184