New Book Helps Companies Find "Perfect Phrases for Writing Company Announcements"
"Perfect Phrases for Writing Company Announcements," by Linda Eve Diamond (Hollywood, FL) and Harriet Diamond (Atlantic City, NJ), is the latest in McGraw-Hill's "Perfect Phrases" series, offering hundreds of phrases for company announcements that stand out among the millions of messages that pass by our eyes each day. These company announcements are perfect for businesses large and small, and the book includes a special chapter for non-profits.

New York, NY, April 20, 2010 --( With the constant stream of emails, flyers, newsletters and ads that flood our days, along with social media updates and millions of daily Twitter tweets, we are drowning in announcements. More than ever before, companies are faced with the challenge of tossing out hooks that will catch our scattered attention. How can you make your sale, product or service sound enticing? What would you say to encourage more traffic to your store or website? If you had a newsletter, what would you say? When reaching out to the public to announce new products and services or to create a buzz about conferences and special events—when motivating or informing employees, from daily inspiration to Internet policies and safety issues— the words you choose determine your success.
"Perfect Phrases for Writing Company Announcements," by Linda Eve Diamond (Hollywood, FL) and Harriet Diamond (Atlantic City, NJ), is the latest in McGraw-Hill's “Perfect Phrases” series, books designed to help busy professionals find the perfect phrase for every business situation. This book offers hundreds of ready-to-use or easily adaptable phrases suitable for a wide variety of company announcements. In addition to providing phrases and the mindsets behind them, "Perfect Phrases for Writing Company Announcements" addresses questions of media choices and style. For those who want to dive into the creative process, the authors include two chapters to guide readers in writing their own perfect announcements.
The book also offers phrases to help with transitions, such as closing, moving or adding locations, and difficult situations, such as downsizing, as well as some special issues. A section devoted to translations helps readers avoid some of the common problems associated with translating announcements to other languages. Non-profits, while they can benefit from most sections in this book, have their own unique items to address. A chapter written for these companies includes membership drives, requesting volunteers, inspiring young people, and announcements of gratitude for donations.
While many are excited about the multitude of inexpensive forums for announcements these days, many also feel disheartened and, in this constant stream of messages and announcements, we fail to make regular, effective announcements. Reasons range from feelings that with so much floating around out there it won’t matter, to old-fashioned notions of maintaining a quiet presence, to thinking we simply don’t have the time. The problem is that we need to jump in if we’re going to be noticed and remembered, and regular announcements are now easier and less expensive than ever.
“Announce yourself!” urge the writers, who conclude with a call to keep announcements in the forefront of daily schedules: “Publish, proclaim, report, broadcast, and blast. Communicate, circulate, advertise, and apprise. Disclose, divulge, reveal, or drop hints. Toot, trumpet, and tout. Be seen, be heard, be talked about! Announce! Announce! Announce!”
The authors have written several business and self-help books and have extensive backgrounds in business training. Their websites are and
"Perfect Phrases for Writing Company Announcements," McGraw-Hill, 2010, Paperback: list price: $10.95, ISBN: 0071634525 / 9780071634526
"Perfect Phrases for Writing Company Announcements," by Linda Eve Diamond (Hollywood, FL) and Harriet Diamond (Atlantic City, NJ), is the latest in McGraw-Hill's “Perfect Phrases” series, books designed to help busy professionals find the perfect phrase for every business situation. This book offers hundreds of ready-to-use or easily adaptable phrases suitable for a wide variety of company announcements. In addition to providing phrases and the mindsets behind them, "Perfect Phrases for Writing Company Announcements" addresses questions of media choices and style. For those who want to dive into the creative process, the authors include two chapters to guide readers in writing their own perfect announcements.
The book also offers phrases to help with transitions, such as closing, moving or adding locations, and difficult situations, such as downsizing, as well as some special issues. A section devoted to translations helps readers avoid some of the common problems associated with translating announcements to other languages. Non-profits, while they can benefit from most sections in this book, have their own unique items to address. A chapter written for these companies includes membership drives, requesting volunteers, inspiring young people, and announcements of gratitude for donations.
While many are excited about the multitude of inexpensive forums for announcements these days, many also feel disheartened and, in this constant stream of messages and announcements, we fail to make regular, effective announcements. Reasons range from feelings that with so much floating around out there it won’t matter, to old-fashioned notions of maintaining a quiet presence, to thinking we simply don’t have the time. The problem is that we need to jump in if we’re going to be noticed and remembered, and regular announcements are now easier and less expensive than ever.
“Announce yourself!” urge the writers, who conclude with a call to keep announcements in the forefront of daily schedules: “Publish, proclaim, report, broadcast, and blast. Communicate, circulate, advertise, and apprise. Disclose, divulge, reveal, or drop hints. Toot, trumpet, and tout. Be seen, be heard, be talked about! Announce! Announce! Announce!”
The authors have written several business and self-help books and have extensive backgrounds in business training. Their websites are and
"Perfect Phrases for Writing Company Announcements," McGraw-Hill, 2010, Paperback: list price: $10.95, ISBN: 0071634525 / 9780071634526
Ann Pryor, Senior Publicity Manager
Ann Pryor, Senior Publicity Manager
