FlatFee Trademark Attorneys Offer Their Services in Responding to USPTO Office Actions
FlatFee Trademark announces its help in responding to Office Actions issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) regarding trademark applications. An Office Action means the USPTO Examiner assigned to your trademark file found an issue or error in your application that must be clarified or corrected before your trademark can move forward.
Miami, FL, April 17, 2010 --(PR.com)-- FlatFee Trademark announces its help in responding to Office Actions issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) regarding trademark applications. An Office Action means the USPTO Examiner assigned to your trademark file found an issue or error in your application that must be clarified or corrected before your trademark can move forward. USPTO Office Actions are a standard part of the trademark registration process and Examiners issue them for a number of reasons.
Attorney Keesonga Gore of FlatFee Trademark says, “Our trademark attorneys at FlatFeeTrademark.com are available to assist with any USPTO Office Actions. We offer a complimentary review of your trademark file to determine what is required and if necessary, our trademark attorneys can prepare responsive legal arguments and evidence to support registration of your trademark, all for a highly competitive Flat Fee price. For more information or to schedule a consultation, give us a call at 1.800.769.7790 or send an email inquiry to info@flatfeetrademark.com.”
”Working with our trademark attorneys helps in avoiding potential USPTO Office Actions in your trademark registration. The experienced trademark attorneys at FlatFee Trademark can navigate your application past common mistakes and pitfalls that may impede the registration process,” said Gore, one of the managing trademark attorneys at FlatFee Trademark.
A federally registered trademark provides legal protection and enforceable rights under the law. Once you are confident that your existing or proposed trademark is available for registration, or your trademark search does not show any competing marks, you should proceed to file an application to register the trademark with the USPTO. Gore adds that conducting a trademark search in advance of filing your trademark application usually reduces the chance of the USPTO issuing Office Actions against your trademark.
About FlatFee Trademark
FlatFee Trademark is a service of Minott Gore, P.A., a trademark law firm with offices located in Miami, Florida. The Firm offers first-rate legal services to a wide range of clients in the following practice areas: corporate and business law, trademark law, copyright and intellectual property protection.
Contact details:
Mr. Keesonga Gore
Minott Gore, P.A.
Phone: 1.800.769.7790
Website: www.flatfeetrademark.com
Email: info@flatfeetrademark.com
Attorney Keesonga Gore of FlatFee Trademark says, “Our trademark attorneys at FlatFeeTrademark.com are available to assist with any USPTO Office Actions. We offer a complimentary review of your trademark file to determine what is required and if necessary, our trademark attorneys can prepare responsive legal arguments and evidence to support registration of your trademark, all for a highly competitive Flat Fee price. For more information or to schedule a consultation, give us a call at 1.800.769.7790 or send an email inquiry to info@flatfeetrademark.com.”
”Working with our trademark attorneys helps in avoiding potential USPTO Office Actions in your trademark registration. The experienced trademark attorneys at FlatFee Trademark can navigate your application past common mistakes and pitfalls that may impede the registration process,” said Gore, one of the managing trademark attorneys at FlatFee Trademark.
A federally registered trademark provides legal protection and enforceable rights under the law. Once you are confident that your existing or proposed trademark is available for registration, or your trademark search does not show any competing marks, you should proceed to file an application to register the trademark with the USPTO. Gore adds that conducting a trademark search in advance of filing your trademark application usually reduces the chance of the USPTO issuing Office Actions against your trademark.
About FlatFee Trademark
FlatFee Trademark is a service of Minott Gore, P.A., a trademark law firm with offices located in Miami, Florida. The Firm offers first-rate legal services to a wide range of clients in the following practice areas: corporate and business law, trademark law, copyright and intellectual property protection.
Contact details:
Mr. Keesonga Gore
Minott Gore, P.A.
Phone: 1.800.769.7790
Website: www.flatfeetrademark.com
Email: info@flatfeetrademark.com
FlatFee Trademark Solutions
Mr. Keesonga Gore
Mr. Keesonga Gore