Skin Care Tango - Part 2: How to Handle Genetics and Skincare

Skincare News Magazine talks about how genetic skin conditions can make or break your skin care.

Sacramento, CA, November 16, 2006 --( Skin care can mean many things to many different people and everyone has their own way of maintaining a good daily skincare regimen. But what happens when a huge factor of your skin care includes a condition you got from your parents?’s latest article, “She Got it From Her Mama: What Skin Care and Genetics May Have in Store for You” shows readers that inheriting a skin disorder doesn’t mean the end of the world.

Family can bring about many good things and bad things when it comes to passing down genetic characteristics to offspring. The role of genetics and heredity are addressed in the article: defines heredity as the genetic passing of characteristics from parents to offspring, for example a boy getting his blond hair and blue eyes from his mother was possible through the process of heredity. defines genetics as the science of heredity, with the genes being responsible for carrying on these hereditary traits from a parent to its offspring. 

Now that that's out of the way, it's time to move on to skincare and what that may mean for you when it comes to heredity. There is still a lot of debate regarding this topic and the scientific and dermatological findings are constantly being tested and discovered everyday, so don't feel discouraged if you find that you are carrying a hereditary trait that is causing you grief when it comes to you and your skin care. There are treatments for nearly all of these cases. 

Having a genetic skin condition can make a difference in how you go about your skincare, which is why it is essential that you be aware of any similar cases within your family. There are a number of skin disorders that are commonly passed down. Eczema is one of them: 

According to, eczema is a chronic skin condition that causes inflammation, swelling, redness, itchiness, scaly and sometimes oozing lesions on the face and body. This type of skin disorder is genetically linked with families that have a history of allergic disorders, such as hay fever and asthma. Eczema can worsen due to allergic reactions to food, stress or other environmental factors but if it runs in your family, the better the chances are of you being susceptible to it. 

Eczema usually rears its ugly head early on in childhood, and while some individuals grow out of it, many others continue to battle this skin care nuisance throughout puberty and into adulthood. There are a number of treatments available and plenty of skin care-friendly products designed to specifically treat eczema.

Even what skin type you have may run in your family: 

The link between skin types and genetics can be fuzzy at times, but is definitely present. According to Dr. Robin Ashinoff, MD, chief of dermatologic and cosmetic surgery at Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey, a person's genetic makeup and family history may make them more susceptible to certain skin types, such as dry or oily skin. In Dr. Ashinoff's studies, people with very fair skin and light eyes have a tendency to develop dry skin. Before you let a panic attack set in concerning your skin care, consult with your dermatologist about your particular skin type and take of your skin accordingly. 

According to skin care expert, Denise Carter, being aware of what condition run in the family can help target the cause and treatment of many skin care problems. “It doesn’t hurt to have your family’s medical history pulled up. It’s important when it comes to breast cancer and it can be equally as important when it comes to your skin.” covers all skincare and beauty topics from head to toe. Check out these latest articles that also mention ethnicity and skincare:

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About -- Your Source for Intelligent Skin Care is the online source for consumers seeking intelligent beauty and skin care news, advice, tips and articles. Founded in 2005, features articles, news items and frequently asked questions on skincare and beauty related issues. is located in Sacramento, California but receives visitors from all around the world. For more information, visit

Bobby Lyons