Leading Your Team Out of the Recession

London, United Kingdom, April 23, 2010 --(PR.com)-- TCii, the London-based firm of strategic and management consultants, has published a four-part blog series, entitled 'How to lead your team out of the recession'.

Excerpt from Part 1

"The road to economic recovery is likely to be a long and challenging one. That’s why it is crucial that your employees navigate it with you. The responsibility for inspiring and motivating your workforce lies with your senior managers. Without a united senior management team, you can’t implement a feasible recovery strategy."

Excerpt from Part 2

"The business case for engaging your employees is strong. Many studies of the correlation between employee engagement and business results have taken place in recent years."

Excerpt from Part 3

"The recent economic downturn has made it difficult for companies to inspire their employees, especially when those employees may have had to accept pay freezes and reduced benefits. Many employees will have seen colleagues made redundant and possibly feared that they too would lose their jobs. It’s crucial that organisations make it a priority to raise the self-esteem and confidence of their employees."

Excerpt from Part 4

"Actively seek feedback from your team about all areas of the business. They will often spot things that you have missed, especially if they are dealing with customers “on the front line”. You should also seek their feedback about your leadership style to show that you are listening."

Read the full series on the TCii blog:


TCii Strategic and Management Consultants
Terry Irwin
020 7099 2621