C2 Education Offers Hope Amidst the Most Brutal College Admissions Season on Record

This year's college admission season was the most brutal on record, leaving hundreds of thousands of disappointed high school seniors clutching rejection letters. In an age of increased competition, our schools simply cannot offer the help our students need to succeed -- but there is hope at C2 Education.

Duluth, GA, April 23, 2010 --(PR.com)-- In the past few weeks, the nation’s top colleges and universities have begun announcing their acceptance rates for the new school year, and the news couldn’t be worse for the high school graduating class of 2010: the acceptance rates at top colleges across the nation have plummeted to record lows.

“Students who would have been considered competitive in the Ivy League five years ago are having to come to terms with the fact that they are probably going to have to consider less prestigious schools,” says Mr. David Kim, co-founder of C2 Education, a premier education services provider. “Harvard, which has always been considered a highly selective school, had more than 30,000 students apply this year and they accepted fewer than 7% of them – the lowest acceptance rate the school has ever had. The sad fact is that even good students have reason to worry because the competition is stiffer than ever before.”

The record numbers seen in this year’s college application season are really part of an overall trend. For several years, the number of students applying to the nation’s top colleges has been steadily increasing while class sizes have remained stagnant. This means that schools have the ability to be even more selective than they have been in the past, with the result that prestigious schools are now able to demand that their students come armed with higher GPAs, higher standardized test scores, more impressive resumes, and absolutely amazing admissions essays and recommendation letters. While once students could hope that a blemish on their applications might be overlooked, they now must strive for perfection simply to remain competitive.

“The top schools are in a position now where they can virtually demand perfection as a condition for admission,” says Mr. Kim. “We’ve seen this trend developing for several years, and at C2, we’ve worked to proactively prepare our students for the increased competition that they must face. This year was a terrible year for a lot of college-bound high school seniors, but we are proud to say that our students managed to excel even during the toughest admissions season on record.”

With over 300 students reporting their college acceptances so far, 15% of C2 Education’s students have been accepted at an Ivy League school – compared to only 1% of students nationwide. In addition, nearly half of the students reporting have been accepted at a top 25 school, as ranked by U.S. News and World Report.

When asked how C2 students managed to buck the trend, Mr. Kim said, “We recognize that the road to getting accepted at a dream school is a process that requires teamwork. Success comes not only from the student, but also from their parents, teachers, and counselors. We push our students to succeed, we help them boost their test scores and grades, but more than that, we create a network of support, information, and encouragement – and it works. It’s a sad state of affairs, but the truth is that the government is so busy bailing out failed banks that they are forgetting to fix our failed schools. As a result, our schools scramble to help struggling students and the students who are successful – those who are likely to go on to good colleges – get left out in the cold. Students who want to be competitive in the college admissions game need all the help they can get, and we offer it to them.”

“Even the very best students can’t do it alone,” Mr. Kim adds. “Unfortunately, we witnessed that fact first hand this year when two students from one of the local high schools came to one of our centers to discuss enrollment. One of those two students will be graduating as valedictorian of her class this spring, and she had already scored an impressive 2300 on her SATs when she came to us. After considering our advice, she chose not to enroll, certain that her GPA and test scores would be more than enough to get her into the Ivy League school of her dreams. She applied to nearly every Ivy, and was rejected by all of them. The other student was barely ranked in the top third of her class and had a significantly lower SAT score. She ended up enrolling at C2, and after working with us through each step of the college application process, she was recently accepted at Princeton, the number 2 school in the country.”

While students across the nation are quaking in fear at the news that selective colleges are becoming even tougher to get into, Mr. Kim says, “At C2, it’s business as usual. We’ve always held our students to the highest possible standards, and this trend doesn’t change that. We remain supremely confident in our students, teachers, and programs, and we are proud to offer students and parents an island of hope in a sea of disappointment.”

For more information about C2 Education and its programs, call 1 (800) 777 – 7000 or visit them on the web at www.c2educate.com.

C2 Education
Hannah Kang
(800) 777 - 7000