Social Media MC - Video Campaign Marketing

Working with video as a way to improve your SEO and social media marketing plan. Social Media provides many sources of information through reading, visual and audio means. Video is a great combination of all of these while greatly improving SEO.

Chicago, IL, May 05, 2010 --( Social Media MC has been working on a video campaign for a client over the last month. Video is a great component to incorporate with a social media-marketing plan. Pod casts are a useful source of communicating information but video clips can be more fun, casual, entertaining and short. Consumers don't always have a long attention span when it comes to learning about a new product. Utilizing sources like YouTube, Hulu and other video sites for free communication with an audience. Product demonstrations, industry tip, sharing company stories or even better having consumers share their experiences with a product or service. Interaction is one of the strengths of video. A business can post something and then get involved with the comments and feedback it produces.

Contests are another great way to incorporate video into a social media-marketing plan. Many large corporations have utilized it in just this way. Pepsi, AmeriCorps, GoDaddy, Groupon are companies of varying sizes that have all promoted video contests in 2010. They generate interest, participation and great WOM.

The tools needed to work with their video campaign can be as simple as a Flip camera, some basic script outlines, video editing programs that most PC and MAC computers come with (or can be found online for free with a little research) and most importantly a friendly sense of humor. Social Media MC is doing a series of ten clips to promote all the products for their client and after completing the first three, all parties are very happy with the results. Don't forget, it's not a professional production so mistakes, reading, laughs, it's all part of it and what makes it more easy to relate to the audience. Brands should take time while brainstorming ideas for marketing and advertising to consider what type of video campaign will work best for them, then get started. If it's something in which assistance is needed contact Social Media MC.

Social Media MC
Krista Corey
(866) 215-5915