Australian International Education Recovery - Hello Aussie Student Services Expands Into Europe

Australia’s international student education market fights back after bad publicity from Indian student bashings. Hello Aussie Student Service now targets the Romanian student market.

Sydney, Australia, May 06, 2010 --( A significant drop in registrations from Indian students has most international student services scramble for business. ‘Hello Aussie Student Services’ is not one of them. Responding to a developing international student market and the growing demand for multicultural agencies catering to students worldwide, the Sydney-based student services provider recently opened an office in Cluj, Romania, and is also working towards opening more offices in other Eastern European countries, as well as South America.

The Australian International Education system has been suffering substantially since a number of unfortunate attacks on Indian students started in 2009. The system’s reputation was even more tarnished when the Indian Ministry of External Affairs issued a travel advisory against Australia earlier this year - as per NDTV (Jan 5, 2010).

Hello Aussie decided to approach the overseas international student market in 2009, particularly targeting business courses. Romania was perfect as it was a developing country with little access to Australian Education, and no agencies that were developing extensive onshore marketing strategies for Romanian students who wanted to study Down Under.

With first hand experience as students in the Romanian educational system, Hello Aussie’s management knew this was the perfect starting point to start their global expansion. By recruiting foreign students they would be able to illustrate their efficiency in providing informed and caring services to international students, including the development of ongoing dialogue and customized services with their clients, as well as help them solve their educational problems.

In addition, Hello Aussie Student Services also provides free educational advice, consultation and enrolment services to international students in relation to Australian Universities, Vocational Colleges, English Colleges, and High Schools.

Companies like Hello Aussie Student Services can assist international students with Visa applications, accommodations, relocation issues, local lifestyle, and more. They can also help the students make informed decisions, and support them until all long term goals have been reached.

Australia’s vibrant democracy, high educational standards, and relatively low crime rate have made the country a Mecca for international students. What happened to the Indian students was unfortunate and cannot be dismissed; nevertheless, these isolated incidents should not overshadow the appreciation and dedication this nation shows its international students.

Hello Aussie Student Services
Stefan Stinean
+61 2 8003 7383