VA4Most.js Freeware Enables W3C-Compliant iPad-Ready HTML5 Video and Audio with Dual Flash and Source Link Fallback
PC... MAC... iPhone... iPad... Internet Explorer... Firefox... Chrome... Opera... Safari... MP4 (H.264/AAC)... OGG (theora/vorbis)... FLV (flash video)... MP3... WAV... W3C-compliant HTML5 audio and video... VA4Most.js is one freeware script to serve them all.
Miami, FL, May 11, 2010 --( has just released VA4Most.js(tm) freeware, an Unobtrusive Javascript plugin and first of its kind to enable a W3C standards compliance validated solution for embedding and serving iPad-Ready HTML5 video and audio with dual Flash and source link fallback for browsers that do not have native HTML5 support.
VA4Most.js is the first combined open/proprietary, HTML5/Flash and Apple/Adobe web video/audio embedded media alternative to pass W3C standards compliance validation (HTML5/CSS3) and all seven tests of "Web 3.0 Readiness." This means that web pages serving up video or audio can leverage VA4Most.js to qualify as "iPad Ready" today with no changes needed when browsers like Internet Explorer 9 add native HTML5 video and audio support tomorrow. For web browsers that do not support HTML5 video and audio elements, VA4Most.js incorporates Adobe flash detection and jQuery to deliver reliable quality video and audio via the rich open source functionality of FlowPlayer and SoundManager2. A secondary source link fallback enables website visitors to download and experience MP4 (H.264/AAC), OGG (theora/vorbis), FLV (flash video) and other video plus MP3, OGG and WAV audio even if Javascript and Flash are disabled in their web browsers.
According to Web 3.0 design specialist and website front-end developer Bruce Arnold, "VA4Most.js is a freeware Web 3.0 design utility that serves as an HTML5-enabling timesaver, template and transition tool for do-it-yourself webmasters as well as professional web developers. It can quickly be installed on almost any web server or hosting platform, easily be inserted into almost any web page, and reliably deliver all major video and audio formats to an estimated 98% or more of all major web browser clients. VA4Most.js is truly one script to serve them all."
VA4Most.js is the first combined open/proprietary, HTML5/Flash and Apple/Adobe web video/audio embedded media alternative to pass W3C standards compliance validation (HTML5/CSS3) and all seven tests of "Web 3.0 Readiness." This means that web pages serving up video or audio can leverage VA4Most.js to qualify as "iPad Ready" today with no changes needed when browsers like Internet Explorer 9 add native HTML5 video and audio support tomorrow. For web browsers that do not support HTML5 video and audio elements, VA4Most.js incorporates Adobe flash detection and jQuery to deliver reliable quality video and audio via the rich open source functionality of FlowPlayer and SoundManager2. A secondary source link fallback enables website visitors to download and experience MP4 (H.264/AAC), OGG (theora/vorbis), FLV (flash video) and other video plus MP3, OGG and WAV audio even if Javascript and Flash are disabled in their web browsers.
According to Web 3.0 design specialist and website front-end developer Bruce Arnold, "VA4Most.js is a freeware Web 3.0 design utility that serves as an HTML5-enabling timesaver, template and transition tool for do-it-yourself webmasters as well as professional web developers. It can quickly be installed on almost any web server or hosting platform, easily be inserted into almost any web page, and reliably deliver all major video and audio formats to an estimated 98% or more of all major web browser clients. VA4Most.js is truly one script to serve them all."
Bruce Arnold
Bruce Arnold
