High-Frequency Trading Conference: The End of the World as We Know It?
Upcoming Golden Networking's High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2010, May 27th, Flatotel Hotel, New York City, to Provide Critical Insights on Upcoming Electronic Trading Regulations.
New York, NY, May 13, 2010 --(PR.com)-- BusinessWeek's Jesse Westbrook and David Scheer reported about new electronic trading rules to be implemented after Thursday's market plunge. "U.S. regulators face pressure to show they have a grip on stock markets that are increasingly fragmented and dominated by computers after last week’s plunge fueled lawmaker concerns about electronic trading. The Securities and Exchange Commission is already contemplating rules to address disparities between competing exchanges, even though it hasn’t said what caused the Dow Jones Industrial Average to fall more than 9 percent in minutes on May 6. SEC officials are discussing whether uniform curbs should be imposed across markets to slow trading during periods of cascading prices, two people familiar with the matter said."
The conclusions regulators and exchanges will reach after today's congressional hearings on the matter will be widely analyzed at upcoming GoldenNetworking.net's High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2010, "Innovating and Profiting from High-Frequency Trading in 2010 and Beyond" (http://www.HFTLeadersForum.com), May 27th, 2010, at New York City's Flatotel Hotel. Confirmed Keynote Speakers include Dr. Andrew Kumiega (Director, Infinium Capital Management), covering "The Ins and Outs of Effective Backtesting and Controlling High-Speed Trading Algorithms", and Professor Ben Van Vliet (Lecturer, Illinois Institute of Technology), on "Developing Profitable High-Frequency Trading and Investment Systems."
The article continues: "U.S. Senators Ted Kaufman and Richard Shelby are among lawmakers who have questioned whether regulators have a firm enough grasp on how an increase in electronic trading is affecting stock swings. Kaufman, a Delaware Democrat, asked in a May 6 speech on the Senate floor whether the SEC knows enough about “what is happening” in the market. NYSE Euronext and Nasdaq OMX Group Inc. have seen their share of total U.S. stock trading volume plunge to less than 30 percent from as much as 80 percent a decade ago because of competition from mostly electronic venues."
High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2010 is produced by Golden Networking (http://www.goldennetworking.net), the premier networking community for business executives, entrepreneurs, investors and diplomats, founded by former McKinsey consultant and Columbia Business School MBA Edgar Perez. Upcoming Leaders Forums and Business Networking receptions include:
- High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour, (http://www.HFTHappyHour.com), June 8th, New York City
- Real Estate Leaders Forum 2010, "Successfully Investing in Distressed Real Estate Assets" (http://www.RealEstateLeadersForum.com), June 17th, New York City
Panelists, speakers and sponsors are invited to contact Golden Networking by sending an email to info@goldennetworking.net. Golden Networking has been frequently featured in the press, including recent articles in The New York Times, "Golden Networking Helps Job Seekers Make Overseas Connections" (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/07/nyregion/07network.html) and Columbia Business School's Hermes Alumni Magazine, "10 Under 10" (http://www7.gsb.columbia.edu/alumni/news/ten-under-ten).
The conclusions regulators and exchanges will reach after today's congressional hearings on the matter will be widely analyzed at upcoming GoldenNetworking.net's High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2010, "Innovating and Profiting from High-Frequency Trading in 2010 and Beyond" (http://www.HFTLeadersForum.com), May 27th, 2010, at New York City's Flatotel Hotel. Confirmed Keynote Speakers include Dr. Andrew Kumiega (Director, Infinium Capital Management), covering "The Ins and Outs of Effective Backtesting and Controlling High-Speed Trading Algorithms", and Professor Ben Van Vliet (Lecturer, Illinois Institute of Technology), on "Developing Profitable High-Frequency Trading and Investment Systems."
The article continues: "U.S. Senators Ted Kaufman and Richard Shelby are among lawmakers who have questioned whether regulators have a firm enough grasp on how an increase in electronic trading is affecting stock swings. Kaufman, a Delaware Democrat, asked in a May 6 speech on the Senate floor whether the SEC knows enough about “what is happening” in the market. NYSE Euronext and Nasdaq OMX Group Inc. have seen their share of total U.S. stock trading volume plunge to less than 30 percent from as much as 80 percent a decade ago because of competition from mostly electronic venues."
High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2010 is produced by Golden Networking (http://www.goldennetworking.net), the premier networking community for business executives, entrepreneurs, investors and diplomats, founded by former McKinsey consultant and Columbia Business School MBA Edgar Perez. Upcoming Leaders Forums and Business Networking receptions include:
- High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour, (http://www.HFTHappyHour.com), June 8th, New York City
- Real Estate Leaders Forum 2010, "Successfully Investing in Distressed Real Estate Assets" (http://www.RealEstateLeadersForum.com), June 17th, New York City
Panelists, speakers and sponsors are invited to contact Golden Networking by sending an email to info@goldennetworking.net. Golden Networking has been frequently featured in the press, including recent articles in The New York Times, "Golden Networking Helps Job Seekers Make Overseas Connections" (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/07/nyregion/07network.html) and Columbia Business School's Hermes Alumni Magazine, "10 Under 10" (http://www7.gsb.columbia.edu/alumni/news/ten-under-ten).
Edgar Perez
Edgar Perez
