New Book Released by The Newman Learning Group Inc.

Over 40 years of practical business experience has resulted in the thoughts and ideas expressed in the book There Has To Be A Better Way. As a collection of ways to do things better than relying on personal experience and a source for learning from another, this book is a useful tool that deserves to be close at hand.

Brampton, Canada, May 17, 2010 --( Gordon Newman is the founder and President of The Newman Learning Group Inc., a human performance improvement solutions provider offering custom learning program design and delivery.

Following a successful career in the financial services sector, Gordon took his hands-on experience in process management, financial management and disciplined learning design to the marketplace in 2004. Gordon’s focus for the past five years has been in the area of design; delivery and support of learning programs designed to affect a positive real dollar value benefit to the financial bottom line.

A regular columnist in the Brampton Board of Trade publication, Trade Talks, Gordon has published his first book – There Has To Be a Better Way.

This book is the result of his 40 years experience in the business world. The concepts and ideas put forward are not theoretical but rather the result of practical experience lessons learned through experiencing both success and failure.

As Henry Ford is often quoted as having said: “You have to learn from the mistakes of others; you could not possibly live long enough to make them all yourself.” This book is a combination of lessons learned through the writer’s failures and successes.

The basis concept explored is that success in business results from doing the right things in the right way at the right time with the right people for the right reasons. This aligns perfectly with the findings of a research study and whitepaper by the American Society for Training and development released in May of 2009. Their perspective:

“Successful talent management calls for a high level of integration of all the functions and processes that contribute to putting the right people with the right skills in the right jobs at the right time.”

Clearly, the definition of “right” is somewhat subjective. What is right for the reader may be different than what is right for the author and vice versa. The important thing is that actions and steps taken are right for your particular business enterprise.

The book provides both a roadmap and thought stimulation. Gordon says: “As with every endeavour success will come not through the strict application of the tools and techniques but rather their adaptation to specific circumstances.”

Considering the number of self help books read over the past 40 years, one aspect stood out to Gordon. In the majority of cases they offered up tools and templates. Many times these items were included along side the chapter text.

Like many of you, Gordon dislikes writing directly into books read. “It almost feels like defacing the book to write among the text. In addition there is the question of what to do if someone wants to borrow the book after you have bared your soul in the templates?”

For this reason the templates / tools are included as a separate section for reference as you read the thoughts presented. This allows the opportunity to use the templates more than once. The templates are also made available on CD.

The book may be purchased on-line at: or ordered directly from the author via email at

For those of you interested in working with the tools and templates in electronic media they are available on CD upon request at $4.99(1) by sending an email to

(1) Plus GST and Shipping & Handling

The Newman Learning Group Inc.
Gordon Newman