Vicki Amorose Adds Value to Clients, and the Voiceover Industry member Vicki Amorose is keeping on top of trends, getting involved in her community, and loving every minute of her life as a voice actor.

London, Canada, May 20, 2010 --( Winning and being nominated for awards, contributing thought provoking articles, and capitalizing on industry trends makes Vicki Amorose one busy lady. When the Voicey award finalist is not recording for clients, promoting her business, or training with voice over coaches the likes of Bob Bergen, Amorose focuses her energy on further establishing herself as a community player through both the written and spoken word.

Amorose’s articles on directing voice-over actors have been picked up by the gaming community site, Amorose takes pleasure in helping those in a position to hire voice talent achieve success, relating, "I enjoyed gathering input from my fellow voice actors. We've all experienced awkward situations in the booth where communication has stalled. I hope the article helps people on both sides of the glass."

In a similar vein, her rallying piece “Let's Hear It for Working Class Voiceover Talent!” landed Amorose a feature in Vox Daily voice acting blog at, which struck a chord with many voice actors and was met with enthusiastic reader response. Amorose also participated in an episode of Voice Over Experts featuring coach Phyllis K. Day.

Fans of podcasting will also be interested to learn that Vicki Amorose has a new podcast called “Irked at Work,” giving comedic advice centering around dilemmas in the workplace. Listeners seek opinions from "Dear Lizzie and Vicki." These hosts enjoy laughing at the on-the-job situations as much as they enjoy serving up advice.

About Vicki Amorose

Vicki ( plays many real life roles as well as acting roles. She is a mother, wife, fine arts painter, copywriter and voice talent. Vicki defines herself as an artist whose goal is communication. She graduated from University of Michigan with a degree in Art History, where writing skills were key to her success. Then she attended the Academy of Art San Francisco, where she won awards for sculpture and performance art. Vicki worked in public relations for a major recording studio, and found herself behind the microphone when needed. Her theatre background with the Nuclear Beauty Parlor acting troupe and her 'real job' client skills eventually led her to create her own voice-over business. Copy writing developed as a natural outgrowth of reading all those scripts. Vicki is often described as multi-talented, and she proves daily that artists can be very reliable.

Recent clients include EDMC Online Higher Education, Extenzo Stretch Ceilings, Langocity, Johnson&Johnson, Comcast on Demand, Stork Vision, Toons Furnishers UK, iPhone app 'ABC Chinese' and Harvest House Publishing and Friesians: The Movie.


Based in London, Canada, provides an online marketplace, facilitating transactions between business clients and voice-over professionals employing a comprehensive suite of web-based services. Clients that have worked at include NBC, ESPN, PBS, The History Channel, Reader's Digest, Comcast, Nortel Networks, Bell Canada, Microsoft, Cisco Systems, ING, Western Union, Ford, GM, Jaguar, US Army, the US Government and more.

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