Perfect Waters, LLC Announces Upgrade to Its Zero Point Energy Wand

Perfect Waters, LLC has joined forces with Rejuvenations Center of Sarasota, Florida to scalar energy enhance its zero point wands. The new wands are called Rejuvenatorâ„¢ wands.

New Lenox, IL, May 21, 2010 --( The Rejuvenator™ Wand is a powerful tool for health and healing. Utilizing a specific combination of 35 different natural minerals as well as crystals, the Rejuvenator™ Wand provides its own scalar energy field, which is further enhanced in an Energy Enhancement System. Utilizing a proprietary technology, this combination of a specific size and shape of each of the mineral elements is fused and structurally bonded into the body of the wand through high heat fusion methods producing a catalytic conversion of energy, sourcing the Universal Life Force (Zero Point Energy), and producing a long lasting natural resonance which has the ability to energize the body, liquids, food and the environment.

Scalar waves were discovered and documented by Nikola Tesla. Research demonstrates that scalar waves allow the body to improve immune functioning, increase energy levels, relieve pain, detoxify the body, improve mood, allow the body to regenerate cells, and balance the hemispheres of the brain. Scalar waves eliminate EMF pollution within their field. Scalar energy will remain embedded in an object forever, and will rebuild and regenerate itself. A scalar field will get stronger over time.

The wand has been found to be useful to enhance the flow of life force in the body and mind; to help “unwind” and harmonize energetic distortions in the physical and subtle bodies; to help the body attune to and activate its own natural self-healing capacity; to enhance liquids, foods, creams and oils; on pets and plants, which respond beneficially to this natural zero point energy as well; to relieve aches, pains and other ailments, through supporting the self-healing process; wear the Rejuvenator™ on the body to help neutralize the detrimental effects of EMF pollution.

Perfect Waters, LLC
Sue Mount