MDS Resource Announces Simple System for Local Businesses to be Found on the Internet

Millions now find local business on the Internet even though the Yellow Pages lie on a shelf in their closet, according to Google. MDS Resource unveils a new system to facilitate new customers finding Local Business on the Internet and other new media.

Golden Valley, MN, May 21, 2010 --( MDS Resource announces today a new, proven system for Local Businesses to deploy and be found by fully qualified customers who are searching the Internet for what they offer. Every month, Google records over 1 Billion searches for Local Business and Local Products and Local Services -- and that number is growing every month.

With the radical changes in the economy and people moving away from Yellow Pages, newspaper Ads and other old school advertising media, fully qualified customers are looking on the Internet for Local Business. They search the Internet, and then they go down the street and buy what they want and need. "If they don’t find your Local Business in their search, they are Not buying from you," says Mike Schleif, founder of MDS Resource.

Times have changed, indeed. The Internet is still new; but, it is everywhere, and it is Not going away anytime soon. The Internet has transformed our world, shrunk the whole world into a computer you hold in your hand, heretofore known as a cell phone. Schleif warns, "If you don’t get your business in position to be seen on that small screen, your customers are going someplace else."

"We could talk about all sorts of features. We could sell you on our technological prowess. We could persuade you on the merits of Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing and why Keyword selection is absolutely critical to your success on the Internet. We could promise to make Google rank your web site Numero Uno on all search pages," said Schleif.

"And, All of that is a bunch of malarkey - isn’t it? Do you really give a hoot whether or not you’re number one in Google? What does Google know about your business? Suppose, I’m a fully qualified buyer, I find your web site number one in Google, I click on your link - and I go down the street and buy what you offer from your competitor. What did being Numero Uno buy you? A bigger monthly Internet bill?" asks Schleif.

What small businesses really want is a continuous, never-ending stream of new, fully qualified customers calling their telephone number, trekking to their brick-and-mortar store and buying what they want and need from their local business. In short, local Internet marketing for small business is the future, it is where the money is today, and it is how informed customers are looking for Local Business right now.

The Internet and computing devices are New Media. Applying old school marketing principles to new media is a wise idea. That’s exactly what MDS Resource does - they show small businesses how to use age-old and proven marketing methods, and apply them to the New Media on the Internet.

Applying old school marketing principles to New Media is a wise idea. Schleif says, "Don’t burn your Yellow Pages yet. But, ask yourself, and be honest, what is your Return On Investment?"

MDS Resource aims to put their clients on the first page of online search results multiple times. There can be only One first page. When a Local Business is on the first page multiple times, how many times will qualified customers see that company? How many more will actually call that Local Business?

Schleif says, "We’re not offering to close deals for you; but, we are certain that effective local internet marketing for small business produces more fully qualified customers who come to your local business eager to buy."

About MDS Resource
MDS Resource was established in 1990 near Chicago, IL by Mike Schleif to guide local small businesses to the onramp onto the Internet. Schleif is a consultant recognized - and requested - by some of the most well known companies in the world, such as AT&T, IBM and Target Corporation. Schleif grew up in the Twin Cities in a far simpler time, a long ago time when computers consumed enormous rooms, ran off paper tape, and stored data on large tape reels. Schleif returned to his hometown in late 2008, bringing his businesses and business acumen with him. For more information call 612-235-7451 or visit

MDS Resource
Elena Bautista